15+ Commonly Asked GIT Interview Questions | DataTrained

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Here are some Git interview questions and responses for both new and seasoned candidates looking to land their ideal position. Git is one of the best source code management systems, and it has a big impact on many different organizations. There are currently more than 40 million Git users worldwide. Git is an effective technology that is used nowadays by the majority of industry professionals and includes features like task management and bug tracking.

What is GIT?

What is GIT?

Before we discuss the GIT interview questions, you must be familiar with GIT. GIT is a distributed version control and source coding management (SCM) system that strongly emphasizes managing a strong emphasis on managing both small and big projects quickly and effectively.

GIT is a version control system used to keep track of changes made to computer files, allowing multiple individuals working on a project to be coordinated and the project’s development monitored over time. In other terms, it’s a tool for software development that makes source code management easier.

GIT Interview Questions

GIT Interview Questions

These GIT interview questions can be classified majorly into the following two  categories:

  • GIT Interview Questions for Freshers
  • GIT Interview Questions for experienced

GIT Interview Questions for Freshers

What are the advantages of using GIT?

  1. a) Data redundancy and replication
  2. b) High availability
  3. c) Only one.git directory per repository
  4. d) Superior disk utilization and network performance
  5. e) Collaboration Friendly
  6. f) Any sort of project can use GIT

What language is used in GIT?

What language is used in GIT?

GIT is fast, and ‘C’ language makes this possible by reducing the overhead of run times associated with higher languages.

What is GitHub?

To provide Internet hosting for version control and software development, GitHub makes use of Git.

What benefits come with using GIT?

  • Data replication and redundancy are both possible.
  • It is a service with high availability.
  • There can only be one Git directory per repository.
  • Excellent network and disc performance are achieved.
  • On any project, collaboration is very simple.

Why is GIT better than Subversion?

An open-source version control system called GIT enables you to run several “versions” of a project that display the changes that have been made to the code over time. If required, you can also go back and undo those changes.  Each update can be checked out by a different developer, uploaded, and then associated with that developer. GIT Interview Questions, This question might be asked during the GIT Interview Questions.

What is GIT stash?

The working directory is returned clean after GIT stash has taken the current state of the working directory and index and stored it on the stack for later.  Therefore, you can use GIT stash if you are working on something and need to switch to another project but don’t want to lose your existing edits.

What is GIT stash drop?

Run the git “stash drop” command whenever you are through with the stashed item or wish to remove it from the list.  By default, it will remove the most recent thing placed to the stash, but if you specify it as an argument, it can also remove a particular item.

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How can You Create a Repository in Git?

How can you create a repository in Git

The interviewer might ask you this query during the GIT interview questions. To create a repository in Git, first create the project’s directory if it doesn’t already exist, and then issue the command “git init”. the execution of this command.The project directory will automatically establish a git directory; the directory does not have to be empty.

What is the purpose of branching in GIT?

In GIT, branching serves the goal of allowing you to make your own branch and jump between them. It will enable you to access your earlier work while preserving your most recent work.

How can conflict in git be resolved?

The interviewer might ask you this query during the GIT interview questions.Edit the files to undo the incompatible changes in order to resolve the dispute in git, and then run “git add” to add the corrected files. Run “git commit” to then commit the repaired merging.  Git correctly sets the commit’s parents because it is aware that you are in the midst of a merger.

What is GIT version control?

With the aid of GIT version control, you can follow the development of a group of files and have the option to roll back the group of files to a previous version.  Every version takes a picture of the file system at a specific moment. A repository stores a group of files along with their whole history.

What is a ‘bare repository’ in GIT?

The “Bare Repository” is used to communicate with the dispersed development and developers team, particularly while working on a project from several machines. The history of your code’s versions can be found in a bare repository. This question might be asked during the GIT Interview Questions.

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GIT Interview Questions for experienced

What do you understand about the Git merge conflict?

When Git is unable to automatically reconcile the discrepancies in code between the two commits, an event known as a merge conflict takes place. 

Only if the commits are on distinct lines or branches is Git able to automatically merge the changes.

What does git clone do?

The interviewer might ask you this query during the GIT interview questions. You can make a local copy of the remote GitHub repository using git clone. GIT Interview Questions, Once you’ve cloned a repository, you can make changes locally on your computer rather than directly in the remote repository’s source code.

What do you understand about the Staging area in Git?

Git begins keeping track of and saving changes made to files in the staging area. The.git directory reflects these saved modifications. Staging is a transitional area that aids in formatting and reviewing commits before they are finished.

What is the
use of the git config command?

Git configuration values can be set locally or globally using the git config command. Your git installation’s setup parameters are changed. Typically, it is used to set your git command aliases, editor, and git email.

What are some of the most popular Git commands?

Some of the most popular Git commands are,

  • “git init” (which initializes a Git repository) 
  • “git add” (which adds files to a Git repository)
  • And “git commit” (which saves changes to a Git repository).

How does Git work?

Git tracks changes made to files stored in a repository. Git generates a “commit hash,” or unique identifier for the modification, whenever a file is modified. Git can identify the change and follow it across time thanks to the commit hash.

What are some of the most important commands in Git?

Some of the most important Git commands are “commit”, “push”, and “pull”. 

  • The “commit” command is used to save changes to the local repository. 
  • And the “push” command is used to send changes to the remote repository. 
  • Then the “pull” command is used to retrieve changes from the remote repository.

What does the git status command do?

To find out the current status of a Git repository, use the git status command. GIT Interview Questions, This command can be used to see which files have been edited, as well as to assess whether the repository is clean or filthy. The git status command will also display the branch that is presently checked out as well as any modifications that have not yet been committed. This question might be asked during the interview questions github.

Are Git and GitHub the same thing?

No, Git and GitHub are two different things. 

  • Git is a version control system that lets you track changes to your code. 
  • GitHub is a hosting service for Git repositories. You can use GitHub to store your code remotely, or you can use it to collaborate with other developers on a project.

What about Git reflog?

A git repository’s change history is kept in a file called a git reflog. GIT Interview Questions,  For purposes of debugging and troubleshooting, it is a useful tool. 

Additionally, Git reflog may be used to inspect a repository’s history and determine who made what changes and when.

What is a detached head?

When the HEAD pointer is not pointing to the most recent commit, the HEAD is said to be detached. , git interview questions github This can occur if you reset your focus to a previous commit or check out a commit that is not the most recent. This question might be asked during the GIT Interview Questions.

What is the command used to fix a broken commit?

The “git commit –amend” function allows you to merge the staged modifications with the prior commits in order to fix a faulty commit in Git rather than starting from scratch.


So this brings us to the end of the GIT Interview Questions blog. This set of GIT Interview Questions will help you ace your job interview. Git’s branching features are among its greatest benefits. Git branches are inexpensive and simple to combine, in contrast to centralized version control systems. This makes it easier to employ the feature branch methodology that many Git users prefer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the full form of git?

The version control system GIT, which stands for Global Information Tracker, is strong and popular and is frequently used for software development and other group projects.

Your files can be in one of three states in Git: staged, modified, and committed: Modified refers to the fact that you have made changes to the file without yet committing them to your database.

Git (/t/) is a distributed version control system that monitors changes to any collection of computer files. It is typically used to coordinate the efforts of programmers who are working together to generate source code for software.

Branching is a regular element of the development process in Git. Essentially, git branches are a pointer to a snapshot of your modifications. No matter how big or tiny the bug is, if you want to add a new feature or fix one, you create a new branch to contain your changes.

Git checkout the branch you wish to merge INTO to perform a merge (locally). Once you have identified the branch you wish to merge FROM, type git merge branch>. We obtain a “fast-forward” merging since the histories of master and make_function contain shared ancestors but no divergence descendants.

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