50+ Kubernetes Interview Questions | DataTrained

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Introduction to Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers

Kubernetes is derived from the Greek word, which means ‘captain,’ ‘helmsman,’ or ‘governor.’

In the DevOps and on-premises software development worlds, the term now refers to a powerful set of tools that enable operations engineers to scale and further service server (and box) setups with ease. The first Kubernetes commit on GitHub was done on June 6, 2014, laying the way for the launch of Kubernetes v1.0 on July 10, 2015. Kubernetes was originally created by a group of Google employees. According to a Container Journal survey, 95% of Kubernetes users see clear benefits from the platform, with resource utilization and shorter software development leading the way. 

If you’re preparing for a job interview for the role of DevOps engineer, software engineer, or full-stack developer, you’ll need to be prepared to answer Kubernetes interview questions. This Kubernetes interview questions blog will familiarize you with the fundamentals of Kubernetes and prepare you to respond to various Kubernetes interview questions asked by recruiters during job interviews. Here are some of the most frequently asked Kubernetes interview questions for experienced professionals and freshers to get you started on your way to a successful career in this field. So let’s get started with Kubernetes Interview Questions.

Kubernetes Interview Questions For Freshers

What is Kubernetes?

What is Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a Go programming language-based open-source container orchestration platform. Kubernetes, also known as K8, was developed primarily by Google and is now managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It automates the tasks of application management, scaling, deployment, monitoring, and load balancing. It can also assist in the management of multiple containers that contain logical units that can be discovered and managed. This is among the first Kubernetes Interview Questions that are asked by the interviewers.

What exactly is orchestration in the terms of software and DevOps?

Orchestration is the term for the integration of numerous services that allows them to automate procedures or even synchronize info in a timely manner. Let’s say, for instance, you’ve 6 or maybe 7 micro-services for an application to work. In case you put them in different containers, this will inevitably generate hurdles for communication. Orchestration would assist in these kinds of circumstances by allowing all services in separate containers to work seamlessly to achieve a single objective. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of orchestration.

Explain node in Kubernetes

The smallest unit of hardware is the node. It refers to a single machine in a cluster, which could be a cloud-based virtual machine or a physical data center machine. Each machine in the Kubernetes cluster can act as a stand-in for another. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of nodes in Kubernetes.

What exactly are K8s?

K8s is an additional name for Kubernetes.  Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your in depth knowledge.

How is Kubernetes associated with Docker?

Kubernetes Docker

It is a well-known point that Docker has the lifecycle management of containers along with a Docker image that builds the runtime containers. Nevertheless, because these separate containers need to communicate, Kubernetes is employed. Thus, Docker builds these containers and the containers connect with one another via Kubernetes. Consequently, containers operating on several hosts could be physically linked and also orchestrated making use of Kubernetes. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of the association of Kubernetes and docker. These are among the Kubernetes related docker interview questions.

What are some of the ways Kubernetes makes containerized deployment easier?

As an ordinary application would have a cluster of containers operating across several hosts, each one of these containers would need to communicate with one another. Consequently, for this, you want something substantial that would load balance, scale & monitor the containers. Kubernetes is cloud-agnostic and could operate on any public or private cloud provider. It should be the preferred choice for simplifying containerized deployment. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of containerized deployment.

What are Kubernetes’ features and benefits?



Automatic Scheduling

Advanced scheduler to roll out containers on cluster nodes.

Automated Rollouts & Rollback

Supports rollouts in addition to rollbacks.

Horizontal Scaling

Scale applications up or perhaps down as per needs

Storage Orchestration

Mount the storage system of your choosing automatically.

Self-Healing Capabilities

Reschedule, replace, and restart containers that have died or even failed.

Load Balancing

Provides Pods their own IP addresses and a single DNS name for a set of Pods, and can also load balance across them.

Secret and Configuration Management

It enables you to store and take care of sensitive info. Enables you to make predictable infrastructure.

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of features and benefits of Kubernetes.

What are the significant distinctions between Kubernetes and Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm is Docker’s native, open-source container orchestration platform that is used to cluster and also time Docker containers. The following are some of the ways in which Swarm varies from Kubernetes:

  • Docker Swarm is a lot handier to put together although it does not have a robust cluster, while Kubernetes is a lot more complex to set up, however the positive aspect of getting the guarantee of a robust cluster.
  • Docker Swarm cannot do auto-scaling (as does Kubernetes); however, Docker scaling is 5 times quicker compared to Kubernetes.
  • Docker Swarm does not have a GUI; Kubernetes features a GUI in the sort of a dashboard.
  • Docker Swarm does automatic load balancing of traffic among containers in a cluster, while Kubernetes needs manual involvement for load balancing this sort of traffic.
  • Docker needs third-party tools such as ELK stack for logging and also supervising, while Kubernetes has incorporated tools for the same.
  • Docker Swarm can share storage volumes with any sort of container readily, while Kubernetes could merely share storage volumes with containers in the same pod.
  • Docker can deploy rolling updates but cannot deploy automatic rollbacks; Kubernetes can deploy rolling updates in addition to automated rollbacks.

 Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of docker swarm. These are among the Kubernetes related docker interview

What are the various K8 services that operate on nodes, and what is the objective of each one?

Primarily the K8 cluster comprises 2 kinds of nodes, master and executor.

    • Executor node: (This operates on the master node)
      • Kube-proxy: This particular service is liable for the interaction of pods within the cluster and also to the exterior network, and that operates on each node. This particular service is liable to maintain network protocols when your pod establishes a network communication.
      • Kubelet: Every node has a working kubelet service that updates the running node as required with the configuration(YAML or JSON) file. NOTE: kubelet service is merely for containers produced by Kubernetes.
  • Master services:
    • Kube-apiserver: Master API service that functions as an entry point to the K8 cluster.
    • Kube-scheduler: Schedule PODs in accordance with resources that are available on executor nodes.
    • Kube-controller-manager: is a control loop that watches the shared state of the cluster via the apiserver and also makes modifications trying to move the latest state towards the desired stable state.

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of K8 Services.

What is the distinction between deploying applications on containers and hosts?

Deploying Applications comprise of an architecture that comes with an operating system. The operating system is going to have a kernel that retains several libraries installed on the operating system required for an application.

Whereas container host refers to the system that operates the containerized tasks. This type is isolated from the various other applications; therefore, the applications should have the required libraries. The binaries are segregated from the others of the system and can’t infringe some other application. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of deploying applications.

Kubernetes Interview Questions Intermediate Level

How can we manage the resource use of POD?

With the use of limit and request resources use of a POD could be managed.

  • Request: The total amount of resources required for a container. If a container surpasses its request for resources, it could be throttled back right down to its request.
  • Limit: A higher cap on the resources a single container can utilize. whether it attempts to surpass this predefined limit it could be terminated in the event that K8 determines that an additional container requires these resources. If you’re sensitive toward pod restarts, it is sensible to have the sum of all container resource limits comparable to or even less than the complete resource capacity for your cluster.

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of POD.

Explain the functioning of the master node in Kubernetes?

The master node dignifies the node that controls and also manages the group of worker nodes. This kind is comparable to a Kubernetes cluster. The nodes are liable for the cluster management and also the API employed to configure and control the resources in the collection. The master nodes of Kubernetes can operate with Kubernetes itself, the asset of dedicated pods. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of the functioning of the master node.

What is the task of a Kube-apiserver?

This type validates and also gives configuration data for the API objects. Pods, services, and replication controllers make up this system. In addition, it offers Rest operations and in addition the frontend of the cluster. This particular frontend cluster state is shared by which various other components interact. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of kube-apiserver.

Enumerate a few recommended security steps for Kubernetes.

Listed here are some suggested security measures for Kubernetes:

  • Allow Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Keep Kubernetes updated
  • Employ API authentication
  • Limit SSH access
  • Safeguard ETCD with Firewall and TLS
  • Segregate Kubernetes Nodes
  • Applying a pod security policy
  • Turn on Audit Logging
  • Apply Network Segmentation
  • Make certain that the kube dashboard applies a restricted RBAC policy
  • Utilize images from repositories that are authorized
  • Carry out security and vulnerability scanning regularly

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of security steps.

What exactly are the major motives behind using Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is primarily used due to these reasons:

  1. We can make use of Kubernetes quite easily on on-premises bare metal, OpenStack, public clouds Google, AWS, Azure, and so on.
  2. By implementing Kubernetes, we can stay away from vendor lock concerns as it can use any vendor-specific APIs or maybe services with the exception of where Kubernetes offers an abstraction, e.g., load balancer and storage.
  3. It allows applications that have to be released and updated devoid of downtime.

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your understanding of the motives behind using Kubernetes. These are also among the Kubernetes related azure Kubernetes interview questions.

What is PDB (Pod Disruption Budget)?

A Kubernetes administrator can make a deployment of a kind: PodDisruptionBudget for increased accessibility of the application, it can make certain that the minimum no. is running pods are respected as stated with the attribute minAvailable spec file. This is beneficial while carrying out a drain in which the drain is going to halt till the PDB is respected to make certain the High Availability(HA) of the application. This particular spec file in addition presents minAvailable as two and that indicates the least number of an available pod (even following the election). Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of PDB.

What does the node status have in Kubernetes?

Within Kubernetes, the primary elements of a node status are Info, Capacity, Condition, and Address. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of node status.

What’s the Kubernetes Network Policy?

In Kubernetes, the Network Policy instructs how the same namespace’s pods would connect with one another along with the network endpoint. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of Kubernetes Network Policy.

What process is utilized to operate on the Kubernetes Master Node?

The Kube-api server process operates on the Kubernetes Master Node. It’s implemented to scale the deployment of further instances. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of Master Node.

Which sorts of systems use Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is the Linux kernel that is applied for distributed systems. It offers a regular interface for applications that make use of the shared pool of resources. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your in-depth understanding of Kubernetes.

What does one comprehend by Kubernetes controller manager?

The Kubernetes controller manager is a daemon employed for garbage collectio
n, core control loops, and also namespace creation. Additionally, it makes it possible for the running of more than a single process on the master node. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of the Kubernetes control manager.

What’s the usage of a namespace present in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, Namespaces are employed for dividing cluster resources among users. It’s furthermore handy for more than a single user to distribute teams or projects and even offer a range of resources. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of namespace in Kubernetes.

What’s Google Container Engine (GKE)?

Google Container Engine (GKE) is open-source cluster management in addition to a container orchestration system. It’s helpful to run and handle Docker containers. GKE supports merely those clusters that run inside Google’s public cloud services. This engine schedules containers directly into a cluster. Next, it manages them automatically according to outlined specifications. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of GKE. These are among the Kubernetes related docker interview questions.

What is ‘Heapster’ within Kubernetes?

In this particular Kubernetes interview questions, the interviewer would anticipate a complete description. You can describe what it is and additionally it has been helpful to you (in case you’ve applied it in your work so far!). A Heapster is an efficiency monitoring system along with a metrics collection system for information collected through the Kublet. This aggregator is natively supported and operates like any other pod inside a Kubernetes cluster, and this enables it to find out and query usage info from all nodes in the cluster. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of Heapster.

What’s Minikube?

With the assistance of Minikube, users can Kubernetes locally. This operation allows the user to operate a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your personal computer, such as Windows, macOS, in addition to Linus PCs. Due to this, users can use Kubernetes additionally for everyday development work. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of Minikube.

What’s a Namespace within Kubernetes?

Namespaces are employed for dividing cluster resources among several users. They’re intended for environments in which there are numerous users distributed across teams or projects and also offer an extent of resources. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your understanding of Namespace.

Name the primary namespaces from which Kubernetes begins?

  • Default
  • Kube – system
  • Kube – public

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of primary namespaces.

What exactly are the forms of controller managers?

The major controller managers that could operate on the master node are the endpoints controller, service accounts controller, token controller, node controller, namespace controller, along with replication controller. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of controller managers.

What’s etcd?


Kubernetes utilizes etcd as a distributed key-value store for almost all of its data, such as metadata along with configuration data, and also enables nodes within Kubernetes clusters to read and also write data. Despite the fact that etcd was intentionally made for CoreOS, furthermore, it functions on a wide range of operating systems (e.g., Linux, BSB, along with OS X) since it’s open-source. Etcd is a canonical hub for state management and cluster coordination in a Kubernetes cluster, and it represents the state of a cluster at a given point in time. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of etcd. These are also among the Kubernetes interview questions for java developers.

List the various services in Kubernetes.

Various services in Kubernetes are:

  • Cluster IP service
  • External Name Creation service
  • Node Port service
  • Load Balancer service

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of services in Kubernetes.

List the various types of controller managers.

Types of controller managers in Kubernetes are:

  • node controller
  • replication controller
  • endpoints controller
  • service accounts controller
  • token controller
  • namespace controller

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of controller managers.

What is ClusterIP?

The ClusterIP is the default Kubernetes service that offers a service inside a cluster (with no outside access) that other apps within your cluster can get access to. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your understanding of ClusterIP.

What is NodePort?

The NodePort service is considered the most basic method of getting external traffic straight to your service. It opens a certain port on all Nodes and forwards any traffic delivered to this specific port to the service. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of NodePort.

What is the LoadBalancer within Kubernetes?

The LoadBalancer service is utilized to introduce services to the internet. A Network load balancer, for instance, generates a single IP address that forwards all traffic to your service. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of LoadBalancer.

What is the Ingress network, and the way in which it works?

Ingress is an object that enables users to have access to your Kubernetes services from outside the Kubernetes cluster. Users can configure the connection by making rules that determine which inbound connections access which services.

The way it works: This is an API object which offers the routing rules to control the outside users’ entry to the services in the Kubernetes cluster by using HTTPS/ HTTP. Using this, users can readily put up the guidelines for routing traffic while not producing a host of load balancers or perhaps subjecting each service to the nodes. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of Ingress network. These are also among the Kubernetes interview questions for java developers.

Kubernetes Interview Questions Advanced Level

What does one comprehend by a Cloud controller manager?

Cloud controller manager

You might have read about Public, Hybrid, and private clouds. With the assistance of cloud infrastructure technologies, you can operate Kubernetes upon them. In the context of Cloud Controller Manager, it’s the control panel component that embeds the cloud-specific control logic. This procedure allows you to connect the cluster to the cloud provider’s API and also separates the components that communicate with the cloud platform from elements that merely communicate with your cluster.

And also this makes it possible for the cloud providers to launch the attributes at distinct rates when compared with the primary Kubernetes project. It’s organized making use of a plugin mechanism and also provides several cloud providers to assimilate their platforms with Kubernetes. Interviewer can ask you th
ese Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of Cloud controller manager.

What is Container resource monitoring?

This refers to the activity which collects the metrics and also monitors the health of containerized applications and microservices environments. It assists to boost performance and health and also ensures that they run smoothly. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of resource monitoring.

What exactly are the various kinds of controller managers?

Below is the list of several forms of controller managers:

  • Endpoints controller
  • Service accounts controller
  • Namespace controller
  • Node controller
  • Replication controller
  • Token controller

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of types of controller managers.

What are the biggest drawbacks of Kubernetes?

The most significant drawbacks of Kubernetes are listed below:

  • Security is probably the biggest concern with Kubernetes. It’s not so secure.
  • Kubernetes dashboard is not really user-friendly.
  • Kubernetes is quite complicated to work with. That is the reason why it can minimize productivity.
  • Kubernetes is costlier compared to its alternate options.

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of the drawbacks of Kubernetes.

What is a kubelet in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, the kubelet is a service agent employed to manage and maintain a group of pods by verifying pod specifications. The kubelet operates on each node and makes them capable to communicate between a master node and a slave node. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of kubelet. These are among Kubernetes interview questions for experienced professionals.

What do you comprehend about the node port service?

The node port service is a means to achieve external traffic to your service. It’s used to open a certain port on all the nodes and advance the network traffic to this port. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of node port service.

What is Cluster IP in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, the cluster IP is a service within the cluster that allows alternative apps to be accessed in the cluster. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of Cluster IP. These are also among the Kubernetes interview questions for java developers.

What precisely are the many services provided by Kubernetes?

Below is the list of numerous services offered in Kubernetes:

  • Cluster IP service
  • Load Balancer service
  • Node Port service External Name Creation service and so on.

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of services in Kubernetes.

What does one comprehend by Ingress Network?

An ingress network is a set of rules that provide permission for connections into the Kubernetes cluster.

List various kinds of Kubernetes Volume.

Here are several kinds of Kubernetes Volume:

  1. emptyDir
  2. hostPath
  3. nfs
  4. awsElasticBlockStore
  5. rbd
  6. glusterfs
  7. persistentVolumeClaim
  8. azureDiskVolume
  9. cephfs
  10. downwardAPI

Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of Kubernetes Volume. These are also among the Kubernetes related azure Kubernetes interview questions.

What information is contained in the node status?

The following information is included in the node status:

  1. Address
  2. Condition
  3. Capacity
  4. Info

Name a few container monitoring tools.

The following are some of the most often used container monitoring tools:

  • Prometheus
  • InfluxDBHeapster
  • Grafana
  • cAdvisor

Identify the Kubernetes objects.

In Kubernetes, the following objects are used:

  • Pods
  • ReplicationController
  • ConfigMaps
  • Services
  • DaemonSets
  • DeploymentController
  • StatefulSets

These are also among the Kubernetes interview questions for java developers.

In Kubernetes, what do you mean by Kube-proxy?


Kube-proxy is a combination of a network proxy and a load balancer in Kubernetes. It is responsible for routing traffic to the container based on IP and port number and is used to facilitate service abstraction with other networking activities. Interviewer can ask you these Kubernetes Interview Questions to test your knowledge of Kube-proxy. These are among Kubernetes interview questions for experienced professionals.

What makes a daemon set, a deployment, and a replication controller different?

A daemon set, a deployment, and a replication controller are distinguished as follows:

Daemon Set


Replication Controller

A daemon set is used to verify that all of the nodes you’ve chosen are running exactly one copy of a pod.

In Kubernetes, a deployment is a resource object. It’s used to give applications declarative updates. It also oversees pod scheduling and lifecycle management. It has a number of useful capabilities for managing pods, including pod health checks, rolling updates, and the ability to roll back and horizontally scale pods.

The replication controller is used to indicate the number of exact copies of a pod that should be operating in a cluster. It varies from a deployment in that it does not include pod health checks and has a less robust rolling update procedure.

How do you debug a POD that isn’t being scheduled?

The scheduler in K8 is in charge of spawning pods into nodes. Unstartable POD can be caused by a variety of circumstances. The most typical cause for POD not starting is a lack of resources; use commands like kubectl describe -n to find out why. Also, keep a watch on kubectl get events to observe all of the cluster’s events. These are among Kubernetes interview questions for experienced professionals.

What is Kubectl, and why should you care about it?

Kubectl is a command-line interface for working with Kubernetes clusters. As a result, it manages the Kubernetes cluster manager using the Kubernetes component’s various create and manage commands. These are also among the Kubernetes interview questions for java developers.

For a Kubernetes load balancer, how do you get a static IP?

Because the Kubernetes Master can assign a new static IP address, you can get a static IP for the Kubernetes load balancer by modifying DNS records. 

What is the distinction between replica set and replication controller?

Both a replica set and a replication controller are used to accomplish nearly the same task. They both make sure that a certain number of pod replicas are active at any one time. Selectors can be used to discriminate between them in order to reproduce pods. Set-Based selectors are used by the Replica Set, while Equity-Based selectors are used by re
plication controllers. These are among Kubernetes interview questions for experienced professionals.


Having a solid grasp of DevOps and on-premises software development may be quite beneficial in gaining a comprehensive perspective on the issue. We hope that the Kubernetes interview questions in this blog will help you prepare for your next interview by familiarizing you with the sorts of questions posed in Kubernetes interviews. You can also checkout our other blogs Supply Chain Management Interview Questions, Recursion in Data Structure, Data Mining Algorithms, Types of operator overloading in C++, and many more!

Frequently Asked Question’s

1. What is POD in Kubernetes?

Pods are the smallest, most fundamental deployable objects in Kubernetes. A Pod signifies an individual instance of a running process in your cluster. Pods consist of one or even more containers, for instance Docker containers. When a Pod runs numerous containers, the containers are handled as an individual entity and share the Pod’s resources. In general, running several containers in a single Pod is an advanced use case. You can think about a Pod to be a self-contained, isolated “logical host” comprising the systemic requirements of the application it serves. Let’s move to the next Kubernetes Interview Questions FAQ. These are also among the Kubernetes related docker interview questions.

2. What is helm in Kubernetes?

If Kubernetes had been an operating system, Helm would be the package manager. Ubuntu utilizes apt, CentOS makes use of yum, and Kubernetes employs helm. Helm deploys packaged apps to Kubernetes and Structures them into charts. The charts consist of all pre-configured application resources together with all of the editions into a single effortlessly workable package. Helm streamlines setting up, fetching dependencies, upgrading, in addition to configuring deployments on Kubernetes with basic CLI commands. Software packages are located in repositories or are produced. Let’s move to the next Kubernetes Interview Questions FAQ.

3. What is init container in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, an init container is the one that begins and then executes well before alternative containers in the same Pod. It is intended to perform initialization logic for the key application hosted on the Pod. For instance, produce the needed user accounts, conduct database migrations, produce database schemas etc. Let’s move to the next Kubernetes Interview Questions FAQ.

4. What is Kubernetes vs OpenShift?

Both OpenShift and Kubernetes feature effective and scalable architecture that allows large-scale and rapid application development, deployment, along with managing. They all operate on the Apache License 2.0. But that’s about the extent of the resemblances. The following are simply some of the distinctions involving Kubernetes and OpenShift.


  1. Deployment: 

Kubernetes provides additional convenience as an open-source framework and could be installed on virtually any platform – such as Microsoft Azure and AWS – and also any Linux distribution, this includes Debian and Ubuntu.

  1. Security: 

OpenShift has stricter security policies. For example, it’s forbidden to operate a container as a root. Furthermore, it has a secure-by-default option to improve security.

  1. Support: 

Kubernetes has a massive active community of developers who consistently collaborate on improving the platform.

These are among the Kubernetes related azure Kubernetes interview questions. Let’s move to the next Kubernetes Interview Questions FAQ.

5. What is EKS?

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) is a cloud-based container management system that natively combines with Kubernetes to deploy applications. The EKS service automatically manages and also scales clusters of infrastructure resources on AWS with Kubernetes, an open-source tool for container orchestration that could be challenging for a business to administer by itself. With Amazon EKS, a business can utilize Kubernetes without needing to install, run or handle the container orchestration application. Let’s move to the next Kubernetes Interview Questions FAQ.

6. What are Kubernetes clusters?

A Kubernetes cluster consists of a collection of nodes that execute containerized apps. Containerizing applications bundle an app having its dependencies not to mention some essential services. They’re significantly more lightweight and versatile compared to virtual machines. In this manner, Kubernetes clusters make it possible for applications to be a lot more conveniently created, moved, and also handled. Kubernetes clusters enable containers to operate across several machines and environments: on-premises, cloud-based, physical, and virtual. Kubernetes containers typically are not restricted to a particular operating system, in contrast to virtual machines. Alternatively, they’re in a position to share operating systems and operate wherever. Let’s move to the next Kubernetes Interview Questions FAQ.

7. What is a container vs VM?

Virtual machines and containers are incredibly comparable resource virtualization technologies. Virtualization is the approach in which a system singular resource such as Networking, Disk, CPU, or RAM could be’ virtualized’ and also represented as numerous resources. The major differentiator between virtual machines and containers is the fact that virtual machines virtualize a whole machine down to the hardware levels and containers only virtualize software levels over the OS level. Let’s move to the next Kubernetes Interview Questions FAQ

8. What is a namespace in Kubernetes?

Namespaces are Kubernetes objects which partition a single Kubernetes cluster into several virtual clusters. Every Kubernetes namespace offers the extent for Kubernetes Names it contains; meaning that by utilizing the blend of an object name along with a Namespace, every object will get a distinctive identity over the cluster.

By default, a Kubernetes cluster is created with the following 3 namespaces:

  • default: By default, each of the resources developed in the Kubernetes cluster is made within the default namespace. By default, the default namespace is able to enable apps to operate with unbounded CPU and memory requests/limits (Until somebody specifies a resource quota for the default namespace).
  • kube-public: Namespace for resources that are publicly readable by every user. This namespace is often restricted to cluster use.
  • kube-system: It’s the Namespace for objects developed by Kubernetes systems/control planes.

 Let’s move to the next Kubernetes Interview Questions FAQ.

9. What is replica set in Kubernetes?

A ReplicaSet is among the Kubernetes controllers that tend to make certain we have a specified number of pod replicas running. (Remember, a controller in Kubernetes is what manages tasks to ensure that the preferred state of the cluster complements the observed state.) Devoid of RS, we are going to have to develop several manifests for the number of pods we need which is loads of work to deploy replicas of a single application. In earlier versions of Kubernetes, the ReplicaSet was known as the Replication Controller. The major distinction between the 2 is that ReplicaSets permit us to use one thing called Label Selector.  Let’s move to the next Kubernetes Interview Questions FAQ.

10. What are daemon sets?

A DaemonSet makes certain that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod. As nodes are included in the cluster, Pods are included with them. As nodes are taken out of the cluster, all those Pods are garbage collected. Deleting a DaemonSet is going to clean up the Pods it developed. Certain common applications of a DaemonSet are:

  • operating a cluster storage daemon on each node
  • operating a logs collection daemon on each node
  • operating a node supervising daemon on each node

In a simple case, a single DaemonSet, covering each node, will be employed for every sort of daemon. A much more complicated setup could use several DaemonSets for a single kind of daemon, however with diverse flags and/or numerous memory and CPU requests for various hardware types.

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