Python Control Statements and Its Types

Python Control Statements
Rashid Khan Avatar


Control statements are like instructions that tell Python how to navigate through the code. They help in making decisions and looping over tasks. Control statements in Python are used to control the flow of execution in a program based on certain conditions.

They allow you to make decisions, execute code selectively, and handle different scenarios dynamically. The main ones are if/else for making choices, loops like for/while for repeating tasks, and keywords like break/continue to control the flow.

Let’s dive in and explore these concepts to understand them better.

Types of Control Statements in Python

Types of Control Statements in Python

In Python, there exist three kinds of control statements: Break, Continue, and Pass.

These are control flow statements in Python that allow you to modify the behavior of loops and conditional statements.

Break Statement:

The break statement terminates the loop it is currently in, regardless of whether the loop condition is true or false.



for i in range(10):

    if i == 5:




This code will print numbers from 0 to 4, then terminate the loop when i equals 5.

Continue Statement:

The continue statement skips the rest of the code inside the loop for the current iteration and proceeds to the next iteration of the loop.



for i in range(10):

    if i == 5:




This code will print numbers from 0 to 9, excluding 5, as the loop skips printing when i equals 5.

Pass Statement:

The pass statement is a null operation; nothing happens when it is executed. It is used as a placeholder when a statement is syntactically required but you have no need for any code to execute.



for i in range(5):

    if i == 3:





This code will print numbers from 0 to 4, but when i equals 3, nothing will happen as the pass statement is executed.

These control flow statements provide flexibility and control over the flow of your Python code, allowing you to create more complex and efficient programs.

Some Commonly Used Control Statements

Commonly Used Control Statements

1. if Statement:

The `if` statement executes a block of code only if a specified condition is true. If the condition evaluates to false, the code block is not executed. It has the following 



if condition:

    # statement to be executed if the condition is true


2. if…else Statement:

The `if…else` statement allows you to execute the instructions if one block of code condition is true, and another block runs when if the condition is false. 

It has the following syntax:


if condition:

    # statement to be executed if condition is true


    # statement to be executed if condition is false


3. if…elif…else Statement:

The `if…elif…else` statement allows you to check multiple conditions and execute different blocks of code based on which condition is true.

 It has the following syntax:


if condition1:

    # code to be executed if condition1 is true

elif condition2:

    # code to be executed if condition2 is true


    # code to be executed if all conditions are false


4. Nested if Statement:

A nested `if` statement is an `if` statement that is placed inside another `if` statement. It allows you to check for additional conditions based on the result of the outer `if` statement. 

It has the following syntax:


if condition1:

    if condition2:

        # code to be executed if both condition1 and condition2 are true


5. Nested if…else Statement:

A nested `if…else` statement is similar to a nested `if` statement, but it includes an `else` block for each `if` condition. It allows you to handle different scenarios based on multiple conditions. It has the following syntax:


if condition1:

    if condition2:

        # code to be executed if both condition1 and condition2 are true


        # code to be executed if condition1 is true but condition2 is false


    # code to be executed if condition1 is false




x = 10

if x > 0:

    print(“x is positive”)

elif x < 0:

    print(“x is negative”)


    print(“x is zero”)


This example demonstrates the usage of the `if…elif…else` statement to determine the sign of a number `x`. Depending on the value of `x`, it prints whether `x` is positive, negative, or zero.

Understanding and mastering control statements is crucial for writing effective and efficient Python programs, as they allow you to handle different scenarios and make your code more dynamic and adaptable.

Looping (For Loop, While Loop)

Looping (For Loop, While Loop)

In Python, Looping are vital structures that enable the repetition of code execution, either for a specific count or until a certain condition is fulfilled.

For Example:


for i in range(11):



This snippet utilizes a for loop to iterate over numbers from 0 to 10 inclusively. With each iteration, the value of i is displayed. The loop runs until it hits 11, which is not part of the range.

Another Example:


num = 1

while num <= 10:


    num = num + 1


In this code segment, a while loop is employed to print numbers ranging from 1 to 10. It starts at 1 and continues until it reaches 10, after which the loop ceases when the value of num exceeds 10.


Control statements in Python are used to control the flow of execution of a program. The three types of control statements are break, continue, and pass. These statements allow us to selectively execute specific parts of the code based on certain conditions, optimize performance, and handle errors. By using control statements in Python effectively, we can write more efficient and error-free code.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are control statements in Python?

Control statements in Python serve to manage the program’s execution flow. Among these, there are three types: break, continue, and pass. These control statements enable selective execution of specific code segments based on conditions, facilitating performance optimization and error handling.

Any command written in the source code and executed by the Python interpreter is termed a statement. Python incorporates various statement types, including assignment, conditional, and looping statements, among others, facilitating programmers in achieving their intended outcomes.

Loop control statements alter the execution flow, allowing you to skip iterations or halt execution as needed. Python features three types of loop control statements: break, continue, and pass statements.

In Python, the with statement serves as a succinct alternative to a try-catch block, ensuring proper resource closure immediately after usage. It is commonly employed when reading from or writing to files. Functions or classes compatible with the with statement are termed context managers, facilitating resource management within Python programs.

A simple statement in Python typically occupies a single logical line. It’s possible for multiple simple statements to exist on one line, separated by semicolons.

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