DataTrained, the Perfect Path for an Aspiring Data Science Professional

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Hi, I am Krishna Vedamurthy.

While getting the last sip of my coffee at the cafeteria in my last firm… suddenly a quick thought popped up in my mind, “Am I really satisfied with my job?”

I had different minds and not sure about what and when to do and should I even start or stay with my current job. The situation was getting dull day by day. However, my job was the only source of income to pay my EMIs and I don’t want to be dependent on my parents. So, quitting the job was not even the last option.

One day one of my friends in the office told me that he is doing some online course of Data Science. I was quite impressed when he told me about data science, applications of Data Science in our day to day life and of course about the future job prospects. It looked like the perfect career for me but still, my mind exploded with infinite queries. I wanted my queries to be solved and hence I needed an expert to clear all of my doubts.

I discussed the dilemma with my Dad and I would say he was very supportive. My Dad started searching for the existing data science courses and informed me about the specifications needed for my career transition to Data Science. He suggested me to contact DataTrained as they are in Banglore itself and offering 11 Months Online PG Program in Data Science at a nominal fee.

I contacted them and got all the information regarding the course they were offering and I compared it with all other institutions offering the same course. DataTrained, in my opinion, has an advantage over other institutes as they themselves are data analytics firm and they know the market requirements as they are also the victim of a shortage of a trained Data Scientist.

I also want to add that their online test is perfect for the aspirants who want to get the basic knowledge about the level of maths and stats needed to enroll in a data science program.

During the course, their concept of a personal mentor who themselves are working on a Data Scientist role helped me a lot. My mentor was so excellent that he was always there whenever I needed him. He helped me in getting an enhanced level of confidence that I needed the most.

I have completed my course with flying colors and now I am placed with DataTrained which I can personally rate as one of the best companies to work for. I hope my success story will help you in finding the best options for you all.

All the best!

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