Why is Cyber Security Important Today | DataTrained

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Introduction to Cyber Security

Do Want to know everything regarding Cyber security in India? Or want to develop your career and skillset in the field of cyber security but feel confused & don’t know that before investing yourself into this field you must be wondering about its future scope? Don’t worry anymore because Here is the Complete Guide of Cyber Security.

The average income for Cyber Security engineers in India is between 8-10 LPA for freshers. In this blog, we will inform you about why is cyber security important.

Cyber security refers to the safeguarding of Internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, against cyber attacks. It is essentially about people, processes, and technology collaborating to cover the whole range of threat reduction, vulnerability reduction, deterrence, international engagement, and recovery policies and actions, such as computer network operations, information assurance, and law enforcement.

It is a collection of technologies, methods, and practices aimed at preventing attacks, theft, damage, modification, or unauthorized access to networks, devices, programs, and data. As a result, it’s also known as information technology security.

Cyber attacks are becoming a global concern. It has sparked a slew of fears that could threaten the world economy. Companies and organizations, particularly those dealing with information connected to national security, health, or financial records, must take efforts to protect their sensitive business and personal information like the number of cyberattacks raised.

This Cyber security article covers both fundamental and advanced Cyber security topics. It will cover the most common concepts in cyber security, such as:

  1. What is cyber security,

  2. Aims of cyber security,

  3. Forms of cyberattacks,

  4. Kinds of cyber attackers,

  5. Digital signatures, policies,

  6. Cyber security tools, challenges, security risk assessments, and so on.

The different advantages and benefits that the internet provides to millions of people throughout the world daily necessitate the usage of information. All kinds of information about individuals and their personal life are stored on online networks and secure servers. As a result, the cyber security importance has increased dramatically, to protect such sensitive data sets. Because of this tremendous increase in technological dependence, cybersecurity is now a rapidly expanding, ever-evolving, and interesting field. Well, that’s a question you’ll have to answer for yourself, but let me share my viewpoint and a few facts.

  • Security professionals are in high demand all over the world.

  • It’s a great field to work in (more on that later), and you can hack stuff for a living! You may satisfy your technological curiosity (without going to jail) by using Bleeding Edge Technology.

  • The sense of accomplishment that comes from successfully breaking into a system

  • Salary is competitive.

  • These are just a few of the things that pique my interest in Cybersecurity. Finding a job is very simple, especially if you are just starting but have a solid basis. Every week, I receive an insane number of job offers. 


Cyber security Importance

Today’s modern world revolves around technology and digital life. We are more vulnerable to cybercrime than we have ever been. Individuals and businesses are at risk from cybercrime, which can result in significant financial loss. Data breaches are on the rise, and the world is turning to cybersecurity to protect sensitive information. Cyber security importance is increasing. Our society is more technologically dependent than it has ever been, and this gravitation shows no signs of slowing down. Data breaches that lead to identity theft and compromise of data are now being shared openly on social media sites. Social security numbers, credit card numbers, and bank account information are now saved in cloud storage services such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

Now cybercrime is acquiring increased attention from governments around the globe. A good example is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It has raised the reputational harm caused by data breaches by requiring all EU-based businesses to notify about data breaches, a data protection officer should be appointed,  to process data, you must have the user’s permission and to protect your privacy, isolate your data.

According to an estimate, cybercriminals have made off with $2 trillion until 2019. If a study is to be accepted, this figure may rise to $6 trillion if the cyber security importance is not recognized. Understanding is insufficient. It is critical to take appropriate steps to combat cybercrime. Click here to see stats.


Attacks are more likely to occur in large firms with many personnel. This is due to two factors. For starters, the data is extremely valuable, and secondly, even if one individual fails the security policy, the entire organization is compromised.

You are entirely incorrect if you believe that you are protected and that we do not need Cybersecurity because only larger corporations fall victim to hackers or software attacks. We all should be aware of cyber security’s importance. If a regular internet user isn’t careful, he or she can quickly become a target. Because it only takes a few minutes to hack an internet-connected gadget, cybersecurity is critical. A laptop, desktop, smart television, smartphone, or smartwatch can all be used as this device. When linked to the internet, every smart device requires a smart user!


Types Of Cyber Security

The safeguarding of your computer network from both internal and external threats falls under this category of security. It employs a range of strategies, to keep harmful viruses and other data breaches at bay. To prevent assaults, network security employs a variety of protocols while allowing authorized users access to the secure network.

Application Security

At the application level, this is the process of safeguarding sensitive data. The majority of these security precautions should be put in place before the app is released. The user may be required to enter a strong password as part of the application’s security.

It could also contain features like two-factor authentication, security questions, and other safeguards to guarantee that a person is who they claim to be.

Cloud Security

The majority of our online lives are saved on the cloud. To be honest, it’s been a long time since I’ve saved anything to my hard drive. For storage, most individuals use online services like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Apple iCloud. Because of the large amounts of data kept on these platforms, they must stay safe at all times with the help of cyber security.

Business services stored in a data center can also be included in the cloud and cyber security. Consider the end-user interface, data storage security, backup procedures, and human mistake that exposes the network when ensuring suitable cloud security measures are in place.

Operational Security

The risk management procedure for all internal cybersecurity is referred to as this word. This sort of management frequently employs several risk management officers to ensure that if a user’s data is hacked, there is a backup plan in place. Employees must be taught the best practices for keeping personal and commercial information security as part of operational security.


One reason businesses can’t locate the experienced cybersecurity workers they require is that there aren’t many tech professionals who have perfected both technical and soft skills (such as effective communication)—and those who have, well, they’re already employed. 

For starters, IT professionals should be familiar with the architecture, administration, and management of operating systems (including various Linux distributi
ons, Windows, and virtualization technologies). In another way, get to know — and love — firewalls and network load balancers. This is in addition to having a basic understanding of programming and software development concepts, and also software analytics. The most common programming languages, such as Java, C/C++, assembly language, and scripting languages, must also be understood like PHP, Python, Perl, or shell.


To effectively engage with management and customers, you must have excellent presentation and communication abilities.

  • Ability to communicate complicated ideas clearly, both in writing and orally.

  • Ability, comprehension, and use of active listening skills, particularly with consumers.


When an individual or an organization intentionally and maliciously attempts to enter the information system of another individual or organization, this is known as a cyber attack. While most attacks have an economic goal, several recent operations have included data destruction as a goal. Malicious actors frequently seek ransom or other forms of financial gain, however, attacks can be carried out for a variety of reasons, including political action.


Types Of Cyber Attacks

Infiltrators have developed a variety of methods for breaking into your system. It is critical to be aware of these online hazards and the cyber security importance. To date, the following are some of the major recognized cybersecurity threats:

1. Phishing Attacks

This is the most popular method of attacking the general population on the internet. Fake text messages and emails are sent in this way to gain access to a user’s confidential information. As more people fall victim to this type of scam, the need for cyber security importance in today’s world grows. Phishing is when someone sends a fake email that appears to come from a legitimate source. The goal is to steal personal information like credit card numbers and login credentials or infect the victim’s machine with malware. Phishing is becoming an increasingly common cyber security problem.

2. Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks

During a denial-of-service attack, internet traffic is flooded into servers, systems, or networks to exhaust bandwidth and resources. As a result, the system is unable to fulfill valid requests. Many infected devices can also be used to initiate this attack. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is the term for this type of attack.

These cyber-attacks are generally regarded as a nuisance, but they serve to highlight cyber security. The hackers here overwhelm a network with multiple queries to drain the capacity. A DDoS attack might last anywhere from a few minutes to several days. The Ping of Death, for example, is a quick attack. The attack of the Slowloris takes longer to develop. According to Radware data, 33% of DDoS attacks are over in less than an hour, 60% are over in less than a day, and 15% are over in less than a month.

3. Malware

Malware is a phrase that describes malicious software such as spyware, ransomware, viruses, and worms. Malware infiltrates a network by taking advantage of a defect, such as when a user clicks on a malicious link or email attachment, which downloads and installs malicious software. A Malware can perform the following cyber attack once it has gained the access to the computer system:

  1. Access to critical network features is disabled(ransomware).

  2. Malware or other potentially hazardous applications are installed in the system.

  3. By sending data from the hard disc, it gathers information silently (spyware)

  4. Certain components are damaged, leaving the system unworkable.

Because even emails from suspicious sites are not secure, awareness of cyber security’s importance is increasing. Ransomware, worms, malware, and viruses can be downloaded or sent by email from some vulnerable websites, putting your security at risk.

4. Man-in-the-middle (MitM) Attack

To steal data, the attacker in this type of cyber attack joins with the help of a two-party communication system. The attacker may even be able to change the communication in this case. Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks, often known as Eavesdropping attacks, occur when an attacker inserts himself into a two-party transaction. After disturbing the online traffic, the attackers can filter and steal important data. For MitM attacks, there are two common entry points:

Attackers can put themselves between a visitor’s device and the network when utilizing unprotected public Wi-Fi. The visitor unwittingly provides the attacker with all information. After the malware has infiltrated a device, an attacker can install software that will process all of the victim’s data.

5. Zero-day exploit

A zero-day exploit occurs after a network vulnerability has been fully revealed, but before a patch or solution has been applied. During this time, attackers will concentrate their efforts on the publicly disclosed vulnerability. The discovery of zero-day vulnerabilities requires continuous attention.

6. Password Attack

In this type of cyber attack, in which the hacker uses the hit & trial strategy to crack a password. Poorly chosen passwords are simple to crack. When a hacker tries to steal your confidential password, this is known as a password attack. Passwords are becoming less secure since they can only hold so many letters and numbers. Password attacks will continue to be utilized as long as passwords are used because hackers are aware that many passwords are poorly crafted.

7. SQL Injection Attack

When you see the technological developments used in this type of hacking, you’ll realize why cybersecurity is so vital. The hacker will insert malicious code onto a SQL-based server in this case to perform a cyber attack. This is usually accomplished through the use of an insecure website search box. If this is effective, the hacker will have access to the secret information of the target.


Cyber tools

CyberSecurity tools and Software are required for a company’s or individual’s cybersecurity and privacy. Cybersecurity is a technique for protecting a network, system, or application against cyber attacks. It guards against data breaches, hacking, and identity theft. Application security, information security, network security, disaster recovery, operational security, and so on are all aspects of cybersecurity. It must be kept up to date to protect against cyber threats such as social engineering, ransomware, malware, and phishing.

Here are 4 critical cybersecurity tools and services that every company should consider to provide the best possible cybersecurity. They’re mentioned below:

  1. Firewalls

The firewall is at the core of all security solutions and has evolved into one of the most important. Its job is to protect a private network from unauthorized access. It might take the form of hardware, software, or a combination of the two. Unauthorized users are prevented from getting access to private networks connected to the Internet via firewalls. The firewall is used to filter all messages entering and leaving the intranet. Each message is examined by the firewall, and those that do not fulfill the security criteria are blocked.

  1. Antivirus Programs

Antivirus software is a program that detects, analyzes, and removes viruses and other malware from personal computers, networks, and IT systems. Trojan horses, worms, keyloggers, browser hijackers, rootkits, spyware, botnets, adware, and ransomware are among the threats and viruses that it protects our machines and networks from. Most antivirus software includes an auto-update capability that allows the system to scan for new viruses and threats regularly. It also offers other services like email scanning to ensure that emails are free of harmful attachments and web links. It’s one of the good cybersecurity tools.

  1. Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, often known as pen-testing, is a method of evaluating our company’s security mechanisms and the security of an IT infrastructure by safely exploiting weaknesses. These flaws can be found in operating systems, services, and applications, as well as in incorrect setups and unsafe end-user behavior. Penetration testing involves cybersecurity experts using the same tactics and processes used by crim
inal hackers to look for potential dangers and flaws. A pen test simulates the kind of attacks that criminal hackers might perform against a company, such as a password cracking, code injection, and phishing. A simulated real-world attack on a network or application is involved.

  1. PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) Services

The abbreviation for (PKI) is Public Key Infrastructure. This program enables you to distribute and identify public encryption keys. It allows individuals and computers to securely communicate data over the internet while also verifying the other party’s identity. We can send critical information without using PKI, but there is no guarantee that the other side will be authenticated.


Now we will discuss some of the best books available in the market to give a spark to your career if you are interested in pursuing your career in cybersecurity. The following books will help you boost your knowledge and gain some good skills in the cybersecurity field.

1. The Art of Invisibility: In the Age of Big Brother and Big Data, the World’s Most Famous Hacker Teaches You How to Stay Safe.

Kevin Mitnick’s Book

2. Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker

Kevin Mitnick and William L. Simon’ Book

3. The Hacker Playbook 3: Practical Guide To Penetration Testing. A Book by Kim Peter

4. The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Uncovered and Exploiting Security Flaws. Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto’s Book

5. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation. Jon Erickson’s Book


Scope and Future of Cyber Security

Experts believe that the Cybersecurity market will grow to a $170 billion sector by 2025. For the past five years, Cybersecurity specialists have earned more money than the average IT professional. And, the average income disparity across the difference is 9%. While the number of jobs available is increasing and salaries are improving, the skill gap is taking longer to close. According to the Center for Cyber Safety and Education, the sector will suffer a shortage of 1.8 million Cybersecurity expertise by 2025 if cybersecurity job seekers do not begin upskilling.

India has become a hotspot for cybersecurity professionals. According to a recent survey by Indeed.com, India’s Cybersecurity market has become more competitive. In India, there are more job posting clicks than in the United States and the United Kingdom. According to industry statistics, the following cybersecurity jobs are the most in-demand:

  • Security Architect

  • Cyber Security Analyst

  • Network Security Engineer

  • Chief Information Security Officer

  • Cyber Security Manager.

There is no doubt that the cybersecurity job market is growing and will continue to grow in the future. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), demand for Information Security Analysts is expected to increase by 37% by 2025. Because there are so many sub-disciplines, pinpointing the particular technical abilities required to earn good pay is challenging. It’s worth noting that Cybersecurity has a good scope in all of these disciplines. However, in a broader sense, we might argue that to enter space, one must have a basic to advanced understanding of:

  1.  Understanding of network and system design, administ
    ration, and management

  2. Knowing how to code in a popular language such as PHP, Java, C/C++, Python, HTML, or shell.

First and foremost. It’s one of the few industries that hasn’t had an unemployment rate above 0% since 2016. The breadth of Cybersecurity in India, as well as the wages of professionals, smashed glass ceilings in 2019. Some mid-sized businesses pay wages ranging from $150,000 to $200,000. After that, certain specialists were able to earn up to $500,000 in salary.

Freelance Bug Bounty Hunters, Chief Information Security Officer, Deputy CISO, Lead Software Security Engineer, and Cybersecurity Sales Engineer were among the high-paying positions. There are a lot of incredible cybersecurity jobs in the market every day.  According to conservative job predictions, by 2022, the future of Cybersecurity jobs employment in India will have grown by 37 percent. In cyber security, the salary is really attractive. Some of the job titles will be in high demand, also. These are the ones that follow:

  1. Security Engineer

  2. Security/IT Director

  3. System Administrator

  4. Network Engineer

  5. Forensic Investigator

  6. Systems Engineer or Integrator


At the end of the day, no one can deny that cyber attacks have become more powerful than ever before. Cyber security experts, on the other hand, have yet to improve their skills. While the opportunity exists, now is the perfect time to study or update your Cyber security abilities so that you are prepared to ride the 21st Century Cyber Security job boom. According to a survey published by a top cyber security company, 50% of a company’s network’s endpoints are insecure. And practically all endpoint security tools failed, resulting in a negative return on security investment for the company. This indicates that businesses want a well-trained workforce that can work continuously while also ensuring the network’s security.

Ultimately, no one can deny that cybersecurity is one of the most in-demand job profiles in the current market. While the chances are there in front of you, now is the ideal time to brush up on your cybersecurity skills so that you are prepared to ride the wave of 21st Century Cyber Security jobs.


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3 responses to “Why is Cyber Security Important Today | DataTrained”

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