Top 20+ Difference Between C and C++ With Examples | DataTrained

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Among developers, the topic of Difference Between C and C++ is a common blog topic. Programming languages like C and C++ can be used to create a variety of software, including operating systems, databases, GUI programs, and games. C++ is an enhanced version of the programming language C, which is referred to as the “God of programming languages.”

What is C?

What is C?

Dennis Ritchie, a computer scientist, created the procedural or structural programming language C at Bell Laboratories in 1972. C is a fundamental programming language that may be used to create complicated programs like the Python interpreter, Difference Between C and C++, Git, Oracle Database, MySQL code, Adobe, and Apple OS X in addition to operating systems like Windows and Apple OS X. The procedural nature of C prevents it from supporting objects or classes.

The popularity of C can be attributed to its simplicity, speed, Difference Between C and C++, and adaptability. It served as the foundation for numerous additional programming languages. It is simple for a user to learn all other programming languages if they are familiar with C.Difference Between C and C++,  Since C is a case-sensitive language, capital and tiny letters are handled differently.

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Features of C Language

  1. Procedural or Structural Language: Every program has a specific flow to execute the code, and as C is a procedural programming language, Difference Between C and C++, it divides the code into smaller modules to reduce the program’s complexity.
  2. Dynamic Memory Allocation: The memory can be allocated dynamically in C, Difference Between C and C++, allowing for run-time memory allocation. Programmers benefit from it since they are often unaware of how much memory or space will be needed to execute a piece of code. 
  3. Simple and Portable: The best programming language for beginners is C because it serves as the foundation for many others. Difference Between C and C++, The explanation is clear and simple. Difference Between C and C++, The C programming language is also machine-independent, allowing you to create your code on one platform and run it on another to make changes or updates.

Example Program of C 



int main(){

int x, y, sum=0;

printf(“Enter the two integers x and y: “);

scanf(“%d %d”, &x, &y);

// calculating sum of two integer

sum = x + y; 

printf(“%d + %d = %d”, x, y, sum);

return 0;


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What is C++?

What is C++?

Programming language C++, which is all-purpose and object-oriented, was also referred to as “C with Classes.” Difference Between C and C++, This language was designed in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup. Difference Between C and C++, Because it supports both procedural and object-oriented programming languages, it is a multi-paradigm programming language.

The C programming language’s features, together with classes and objects for user-defined data types, are all present in C++. Difference Between C and C++, Operating systems, smartwatches, game development, cloud distributed systems, compilers, etc. all employ C++.

Today’s leading tech titans, like Google, Meta, Amazon, and many others, use C++. Difference Between C and C++,  It is no longer just a C extension; with a recent update and outstanding performance, it has evolved into a well-liked and in-demand programming language.

Features of C++ Language

  1. Object-Oriented Language (OOPs): As an object-oriented language, C++ features attributes like classes, objects, polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, data hiding, and so forth. The OOPs ensure the flexibility of the code, Difference Between C and C++, prevent data duplication, and aid in the effective problem-solving.
  2. Compiler-Based: C++ is faster than Java and Python because it is a compiler-based programming language, which means C++ programmes must be compiled before they can be run.
  3. Dynamic Memory Allocation: Memory can be dynamically allocated in C++, Difference Between C and C++,  i.e., at runtime. The size of the necessary memory can be determined at run time because, most of the time, Difference Between C and C++ the programmer is unaware of how much memory would be needed to hold the specific information in the declared variable.

Example Program of  C++

Example Program of C++



using namespace std;

void main() {

int a, b, sum=0;

cout<<“Enter the value for two integers: “;


// sum of two numbers in stored in variable sum

sum = a + b;

// prints the sum of two numbers

cout<<a<< ” + ” <<b<< ” = ” <<sum;

return 0;


Similarity Between C and C++

  1. The code structure is comparable in C and C++.
  2. Both of them share the same compilation.
  3. Additionally, they use similar coding syntax.
  4. Although C++ has a longer syntax than C, the fundamentals are the same.
  5. The hardware and their memory model are quite similar.

Difference Between C and C++

Difference between C and C++




Programming Paradigm

A procedural or structural programming language is C. 

C++ is an object-oriented and structured programming language.


Dennis Ritchie, a scientist at Bell Laboratories, created C in 1972.

Bjarne Stroustup created C++ in 1979..


There are 32 keywords in C.

There are 63 keywords in C++.

Data Types

Built-in data types are supported in C.

built-in and user-defined data types both are supported in C++.

File Extension

The C programming language’s file extension is .c

The C++ programming language’s file extension is.cpp

Header File

The C language uses the <stdio.h> header file.

The C++ language uses the <iostream.h> header file 

Allocation and Deallocation of Memory

In the C programming language, we utilize the functions malloc (), malloc(), and free() to allocate and deallocate memory, respectively.

In the C++ programming language, we utilize the new operator for memory allocation and the delete operator for memory deallocation.

Access Modifier

Access modifiers are not supported by the C language.

Access modifier support in C++


C features security protections, making it susceptible to manipulation from outside sources.

As a result of its data concealing and encapsulation security features, C++ is a secure language.

Reference Variable

Reference variables cannot be used in C.

Reference variables are supported in C++

Function Overloading and Function Overriding

Function overloading and function overriding are not supported in C.

Function overloading and function overriding are supported in C++

Program Division

Code written in C is separated into discrete units known as functions because it is a procedural language.

Since C++ is an object-oriented language, classes, and objects are used to organize the code.

Inline Function

Inline functions aren’t supported in C.

Inline functions are supported in C++.

Driven Type

A function-driven language is C.

An object driven language is C++


C++ compiler may run code written in C because C is the base language.

OOP is a notion that is included in the C++ language, thus C++ code can be run on a C compiler.

Data and Function

In C, the data and function are separated as it is a procedural programming language

In C++, the data and function are encapsulated as it is a object-oriented programming language

Application Development

C language is more suitable for low level implementation such as network driver, text editor, assembler, etc

C++ language is more suitable for high-level implementation such as game development, smartwatches, embedded systems, etc

Allocation and Deallocation of Memory

The C language provides calloc() and malloc() for dynamic allocation of memory and free() for deallocation of memory.

The C++ language provides a new operator for the allocation of memory and a delete operator for the deallocation of memory.

Exception Handling

It does not provide any direct support for exceptional handling. C language requires the usage of functions that support exception handling.

It provides direct support for exceptional handling. The C++ language uses a try-catch block.

Type of Approach

C language follows a top-down approach. It functions to break down the main module into various tasks. Then it breaks these tasks into sub-tasks, and so on.

C++ language follows the bottom-up approach. It means that it first develops the lower-level modules and then moves on to the next-level modules.

Function for Input/Output

The C language uses the scanf() and printf() functions for the input and output operations.

In the C++ language, it uses the cin and cout for the input and output operations.

Source Code

Free-format program source code.

Originally developed from the C programming language.


C is a subset of C++. It cannot run C++ code.

C++ is a superset of C. C++ can run most of C code while C cannot run C++ code.


Focuses on method or process instead of data.

Focuses on data instead of method or procedure.


Does not support encapsulation. As Data and functions are separate and free entities.

Supports encapsulation. Data and functions are encapsulated together as an object.


You now know the difference between C and C++ from this article. The essential components of both programming languages, C and C++, Difference Between C and C++ were thoroughly discussed in this article. You carefully observed Object-Oriented Programming’s shortcomings in Procedural Programming and how it has been improved upon them.

Compared to C++, Difference Between C and C++, which is an extension of the C programming language with the OOP’s concept and is faster and more secure, C looks to be better suited for low-level programming applications and is also a good starting point for new programmers. Difference Between C and C++, Demand for the C++ programming language demonstrates the promising future for developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which one is better C or C++?

There are much more libraries and functions available in C++ than in C. C++ is a better choice if you’re dealing with sophisticated software because there are more libraries available to you. Practically speaking, understanding C++ is frequently necessary for a range of programming positions.

Polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance are all supported OOPS concepts in C++, which is an object-oriented programming language. A subset of C++ is C. The superset of C is C++. Although all C++ code can run on C, the opposite may not always be true.

C# is a high-level language, but C++ is regarded as an intermediate-level language that extends C’s base language with object-oriented capabilities. Programmes are converted to machine code in C++, and to the Common Language Runtime, or CLR, in C#.

Operator overloading, Goto statements, structures, pointers, unions, and other features are supported by C++. Operator overloading, Goto statements, structures, pointers, unions, and other features are not supported by Java. C++ cannot be interpreted; it can only be compiled. Java can be interpreted as well as compiled.

C is typically used for activities that must be completed quickly and require the programmer to deal with a minimum amount of runtime. The lack of features offered by other languages is the price paid for using C. C is the quickest language as a result.

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