Examples and Benefits to Take Screenshot in Selenium | DataTrained

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Take screenshot in Selenium can help save time and effort when testing web applications. It allows testers to capture evidence of any issues they encounter while automating the application under test. This blog post will introduce you to the basics of take screenshot in Selenium, including what tools are needed and the different image formats available.

Screenshot capture is one of the key features of the Selenium framework. It enables testers to quickly and easily take screenshot in Selenium of an entire window or a specific element within it at any point during an automation session. This helps provide visual proof that an automation process is working properly and/or has encountered an issue during execution.

There are many benefits to taking automated screenshots with Selenium, such as: being able to quickly identify errors without having to manually inspect each element; being able to document test progress more efficiently; and being able to provide visual aids with bug reports for developers.

In order to use take screenshot in Selenium, there are two main tools needed: the Selenium WebDriver software and a suitable image editor program, such as Paint or GIMP. With these two components installed, testers can then proceed to capture screenshots from their automation scripts by simply calling the ‘take Screenshot()’ method and specifying a file location for the image output.

When take screenshot in Selenium, there are several different image formats available such as PNG, JPEG and BMP. Each format has its own advantages – for example, PNG files tend to be much smaller in size but still offer high quality images; whereas JPEG offers larger sizes but may suffer from some quality loss when compressed too much.

Why take screenshot in Selenium?

taking screenshoot

Take screenshot in Selenium can be an invaluable tool for software testers and automation engineers. It provides a variety of benefits that can improve testing efforts, from capturing evidence to measuring performance. Let’s explore why you should take screenshot in Selenium.

Capturing Evidence Take screenshot in Selenium helps create a visual representation of your test results, which makes it easier to confirm their accuracy and document any issues encountered during testing. You can save multiple screenshots throughout the testing process to provide evidence when debugging or reproducing issues. The images can also be used in reports or bug tickets as proof of any abnormalities.

Debugging When a problem arises during tests, having multiple screenshot images stored can help debug the issue faster. Screenshots give you a better understanding of what’s happening so that you can more quickly determine the cause of the issue and how to fix it.

Improve Test Coverage A single screenshot may not provide enough information to pinpoint an issue, but multiple screenshots will show you what transpired before and after an issue occurred, helping you increase the coverage area for each test run. With this comprehensive coverage, you’ll be able to detect changes faster and reduce manual regression tests.

Documenting Tests Capturing various states throughout the test cycle is essential when documenting tests for sprint reviews or progress reports. Taking multiple screenshots allows you to clearly present changes made during development cycles while keeping everyone on the same page.

Recording Bugs When finding bugs, take screenshot in Selenium provides a clear view of the bug so that developers are better able to diagnose and replicate it quickly and accurately.

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How to take screenshot in Selenium WebDriver?

why to take a screenshot?

Today, we’re going to explore how to take screenshot in Selenium WebDriver. The Selenium WebDriver is a testing framework that can automate web browsers for testing purposes. With WebDriver, you can also take screenshot in selenium of your automated browser sessions. Screenshots are helpful for debugging and keeping track of changes.

It’s easy to take screenshot in Selenium with the Get Screenshot As() method. This method allows you to create an object of type File with the screenshot. You can then use the File class and call the Copy File() method with two parameters: Source File, and DestFile. Source File will be the object of type File created from Get Screenshot As(), and Dest File will be the path and name for the new file name where you want to save your screenshot.

To take screenshot in a specific folder, simply specify it as part of the Dest File parameter when calling Copy File(). For example, if you want to save your screenshot in C:ScreenshotsScreen1.png then you would include “C:ScreenshotsScreen1.png” as part of that parameter like this: Copy File (sourcefile, “C:ScreenshotsScreen1.png”). Once that is done, the screenshot should be saved in that exact folder with that exact file name unless you manually specify a different one yourself!

And there you have it! Take screenshot in Selenium is an easy process when using WebDriver’s Get Screenshot As() method and File class’ CopyFile() method together especially if you want to specify which folder it should save your screenshots into as well!

Screenshot for Test Failure

When running automation tests, it can be useful to take screenshots of a web page for debugging or record keeping purposes. With the help of Selenium Web Driver libraries, you can easily capture a screenshot for any test failure.

The main reason for take screenshot for test failure is to identify where the issue occurred and also provide evidence showing how it failed. Capturing screenshots also enable developers to replicate bugs quickly and accurately as well as letting them review them afterwards. It provides an easy visual reference that is helpful in understanding the causes of test failure.

You can access the ‘Take Screenshot in Selenium’ interface which provides a method called ‘Get ScreenshotAs’ that captures images of your web page. This method allows you to capture an entire page or just a single element on your page, depending on your requirements. You can also specify the image format (typically PNG) and folder location where the image will be stored.

In conclusion, take screenshot in Selenium is fairly simple and quick once you understand its libraries and functions. Capturing screenshots for test failures can greatly improve your debugging process and helps developers get to the root cause of those issues faster so they can ultimately fix them more efficiently.

How to get the driver object in Test Listeners using TestNG?

Take screenshot in Selenium of a webpage can be an important part of executing automated tests. Selenium provides the WebDriver class in Java to programmatically take screenshot in selenium with TestNG. In this blog, we will explain how to get the driver object in Test Listeners using TestNG and take a screenshot.

The TestListener is a handy tool from TestNG that allows us to listen for certain events when running our tests and then execute some code as needed. To listening for different events at different points during our test execution, we must first define the listener in our test class like so:


public class MyTestClass {

//Your test code here


Once the listener is defined, we must ensure that it implements the WebDriverEventListener interface from Selenium. This interface has various methods that can be used to listen for different events being fired when
interacting with web elements or navigating to new pages. We are interested in one called BeforeNavigateTo which is fired just before each navigation event and provides access to a driver object as its argument. We simply need to add this method into our MyListener class like so:

public void beforeNavigateTo(String url, WebDriver driver){

//Save the Driver Object


This will allow us to get access to the driver object when running our tests and navigate pages in the browser window. With this information, we can easily take a screenshot of any page we navigate by calling the getScreenshotAs method on our driver objects like so:

File srcFile=driverObject.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE).

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Benefits of Take Screenshot in Selenium

Benefits of take screenshoot

Take screenshot in Selenium can be a powerful tool for developers and testers alike. The ability to capture page information, debug failed tests, document test execution, and provide visual proof of process completion are all invaluable when it comes to automating a website’s functionality. Let’s examine why to take screenshots in Selenium is a must have for all modern web applications.

Capturing Page Information: With Selenium, you can take screenshots of web pages as they are loaded and stored. This allows developers and testers to easily capture page information such as element locations and sizes, displayed content, headers and footers, etc. Take screenshot in selenium also allows testers to quickly identify differences in layout between different screen sizes on different devices, ensuring that cross platform compatibility is maintained.

Debugging Failed Tests: Automated tests sometimes fail due to unexpected results or an incorrect setup. Taking a screenshot before or after a test fails helps the tester quickly pinpoint the cause of failure by examining the output visually. This ensures that the root cause is identified quickly and efficiently, minimizing losses from erroneous tests or incorrect configurations.

Documenting Test Execution: As with any development process, documentation is key when it comes to testing as well. Taking screenshots of each step allows for easy reference for future debugging sessions or replicating passed tests scenarios. This makes sure that every necessary step taken during testing is documented properly so that it can be referenced either directly by testers or review by analysts later on whenever needed.

Sharing Feedback with Developers: Taking a well composed screenshot at an issue’s current state can easily help developers understand problems faster than any documentation alone ever could.

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Example of Selenium Screenshot


Selenium is a widely used automated testing tool for web applications, and one of its most popular features is the ability to take screenshot in Selenium. By using Selenium WebDriver alongside a few other tools, you can quickly capture screenshots from your web application and save them in a variety of image file formats.

The primary way to take screenshot in Selenium is to use the Get Screenshot method. This method takes a snapshot of the entire window and allows you to save it in any file format. Once you have called the Get Screenshot method, you can use various preferences to control what kind of screenshot is taken and where it will be saved on your computer.

When take screenshot in Selenium, it’s important to remember that different browsers interpret the screenshot differently. Generally speaking, most browsers will capture an image as a PNG or JPEG file by default, although you can always change this setting if necessary. Additionally, some browsers let you adjust other preferences such as resolution or color depth before take your screenshot in Selenium.

Finally, when take screenshot in Selenium, it’s important to set the location where the image will be saved in advance. That way, once you are done take screenshot in Selenium, it will be ready for download or further processing without any extra steps needed.

To summarize, using Selenium’s Get Screenshot method makes it easy to take screenshots from web applications quickly and accurately. With just a few minor adjustments for file format and location preferences within the code itself, users are able to effortlessly capture web page images with their automated testing tools.


Take screenshot in Selenium is a great way to capture important data quickly and easily. Using the WebDriver method, you can take screenshot in Selenium of any element that is visible on your page. To do this, you will first need to identify the element and then use the Element Screen Capture command. This will save an image of the element as well as its associated file name and output directory.

Once you have done this, you can save the image at any time by specifying a new file name in the File Name Setting panel. You can also choose where to put the output directory so that all images are stored in one place. With these simple steps, easily you can take screenshots in Selenium of any elements.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to capture the screenshot of a web element in selenium?
Capturing a screenshot of a particular web element in Selenium is an easy task. To capture the screenshot of the desired web element, you need to follow these steps:
  1. First, locate the web element on which you want to take a screenshot, for example by using find_element_by_id or similar methods.
  2. Once located, store it in a WebElement object such as “ele” and then retrieve its position with respect to the view port using getLocation() method available under WebElement class like this:  “Point point = ele.getLocation();” which will provide us with x and y co-ordinates of the element on browser window
  3. Now create an instance of org.openqa.selenium’s TakesScreenshot interface named as ts and cast it into our driver instance like this : “TakesScreenshot ts=(TakesScreenshot)driver”
  4. After that call getScreenshotAs() method available under TakesScreenshots interface with target type parameter i.e File like this : “File src=ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType)”   where OutputType can have three possible types i..e FILE , BASE64 and BYTES  . This statement takes full page screenshot but we are interested only in our required test case related Web Element so we need to perform some Image Processing Operations on it .
  5. Create an instance of BufferedImage from src file by providing width & height retrieved from step 2 as parameters.
  6. Use crop method provided by BufferedImage API passing left X , Top Y positional parameters (which come from Step 2 ) along with Width & Height like this:”BufferedImage dest=destImgObjesctName”.crop(leftXpos ,topYpos ,width ,height).
  7. Now write dest image object content into any format like png/jpg etc using ImageIO API Method.

Selenium captures failures by taking screenshots of the failed test. This allows you to identify exactly which part of the test failed, and helps to debug errors in your tests.

Ashot is an open source Java library used for taking screenshots of webpages in Selenium.

Selenium is an open-source suite of tools for automated testing of web applications or websites. It allows users to write tests in a variety of programming languages including Java, Python, Ruby and C#.

Using Selenium, you can automate the process of testing by automating user interactions with the browser such as clicking on links and/or buttons, entering text into forms, or navigating pages within a website. You can also use Selenium to simulate scenarios that would be difficult to create manually. For example, it can help you test complex data flows across multiple pages and scenarios that require authentication or cookies.

Taking a screenshot in TestNG can be done by using the method get Screenshot As() from the Takes Screenshot class. This creates an image file of your current view, allowing you to capture any issue or information displayed on-screen.

To take screenshots with TestNG, the following steps should be followed:

1) In your test script, create an instance of the Web driver and locate the element you want to take a screenshot on.

2) Call the Take Screenshot method of WebDriver interface and cast it into Takes Screenshots class object

3) Pass this object as parameter to get Screenshot As()method which actually takes a screen shot

4) You can pass different parameters depending upon what file format you prefer eg: PNG, JPEG etc.

5) Save it in desired location after taking screenshot.

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