5 Practical tips to boost your Confidence | DataTrained

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What comes to your mind when you come across the word ‘Personality? Yes, you thought that right. We usually confuse this concept of Personality Development with confidence. However, it’s not wrong to do so, but it is important to understand that Personality Development is a broader domain and self confidence makes a part of this.

In this blog, you are going to learn about: 

  • Let’s first understand What Personality Development is?

  • Personality and Self-Confidence

  • Importance of self confidence in the lives of people

  • How to build confidence?

  • 5 tips on how to improve self confidence

  • Believe in yourself

  • Self-efficacy and Self-esteem

  • Self-efficacy and Self-confidence

  • Impelling good behavior

  • Body language and grooming

  • Personal development as a skill-set

  • How to build your personality in the most effective manner?

Let’s first understand What is Personality Development ?

what is personality development

Based on the American Psychological Association, Personality refers to the differences in patterns of thinking, being, and behaving of individuals. The study of personality varies in two wide areas: Understanding variations in personality attributes of people, like irritability or sociability. The other domain is finding out how these different attributes of an individual come together as a whole.

The importance of personality development comes into play from the childhood of a person. The environment which is created for him/her would be influential for the rest of their life. In today’s modern era, the concept of peer pressure has been diverted by the new norms of society. Personality is somehow a psychological phenomenon that affects the mental health of a person. Thus, building a better personality begins with building confidence in an individual. This self Confidence allows a person to present himself influentially and impactfully. (which plays the most crucial part in society to get a peaceful living).

Personality development comes into play in terms of:

  • comparability,

  • kindness,

  • optimism,

  • Wisdom

  • and most importantly positivity.

Personality and Self-Confidence 

personality development

Personality is all about confronting the problems and handling them without creating obstacles for yourself. Personality development makes a person approachable, easily noticeable and gives him/her a boost in creating paths for a better living. It provides a feeling of non-reluctance. It will act as a confidence booster for a person which helps in career development. 

Self-confidence forms the major part of personality development. It poses important characteristics or traits which reflect the compatibility of a person with reaching and processing things and situations. Whether you have a great amount of talent, abilities, or knowledge, if you don’t have self-confidence you will face self-doubt and it will come across your personal and professional goals.

Ultimately, the importance of personality development conquers the feeling of :

  • Hesitation

  • Comparability

  • Introversion

  • Failures

  • Peer pressure

and, provide aspects like :

  • Wisdom

  • Optimism

  • Positivity

  • Extroversion

  • Happiness

  • Motivation

When you are able to achieve these aspects of personality development, you can be said to be building confidence among yourself.

Importance of self confidence in the lives of people

Mental health can be defined as the sum of all societal influences upon mental health. This phenomenon is a building block of a person’s overall personality and growth. This will give an account of maintaining confidence level in various circumstances. It can be said that past childhood influences the most in acquiring self-confidence. It is well known that if a foundation of a building is unpleasant then the product comes out to be faulty. The same phenomenon applies to building confidence. The process of building confidence starts from childhood and creates a great impact on a person’s future. 

However, confidence has recently gained its true importance because of its predictive validity for academic achievement. The finding that non-cognitive factors, specifical confidence, predict academic achievement, is a hopeful one because when compared to IQ, the self-confidence trait is potentially malleable and, therefore, could become an essential area of improvement  to upgrade the academic achievements.

Confidence can’t be embedded in someone, to build confidence a person has to go through challenges like practice, training, gaining knowledge, etc.  One can try a few ways to improve their self confidence as can be stated as a self-acquired belief through time. Self-confidence cannot be measured statistically but it can give an idea of the capability of a person in accordance with guidance and providing efforts.

How to build confidence?

The main question which comes to mind’s how can one improve self-confidence? There are a few ways which an individual can implement in their lives in order to build confidence among themselves.

importance of personality development

5 tips on how to improve self confidence

  1. Believe in yourself 

self confidence

Low self confidence has been seen as the major problem faced by most individuals in recent times. Being under the influence of modernization, to impress someone, self-confidence is the main priority. Low confidence can be the result of many factors including the fear of criticism, failure, not-needed nervousness, lack of knowledge, and low self-esteem. The main reason for lacking self-confidence is thoughts of judging by people.

Confidence and self-esteem are two different things, although they go hand in hand. As mentioned above, confidence is the self reliability or self-belief to perform tasks and confronting problems but self-esteem can be understood as to how we feel about ourselves, the way we appear in front of people, our thought process, and whether or not we feel valued. People with good self-esteem sometimes lack self-confidence when knowledge and practice come into play.

The amount of practice and creating knowledge along with the mindset of performing tasks and functioning is very much needed to build self-confidence with good self-esteem. Learning and gaining knowledge, research and preparation, and good thought process helps an individual to believe in themselves and hence building self-confidence

       2.Self-efficacy and Self-esteem 

self esteem

The father of the Self-esteem movement – Nathaniel Barden defined self-esteem as “the disposition to experience oneself as a component to cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness.” This implies that to gain experience one has to learn and cope with the basic challenges of life to make life easygoing. How much someone liked him/herself can be determined by self-esteem. Self-efficacy can be determined as the degree of someone’s capability to organize and execute tasks to attain the best performance. It can be said that self-esteem appears to be nearly a trait-like variable that’s more steady than self-efficacy.

Hence, it can be said that self-efficacy is belief in the self ability to do something with the help of knowledge and skills. This self efficacy helps in acquiring self-confidence leading to self development as confidence is the belief in self ability. Let;s understand this in detail.

3.Self-efficacy and Self-confidence 

Self-efficacy consists of a person’s attitude, abilities, and cognitive skills according to Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory. This theory talks about the role of observational learning( a process of learning by observing others), social experience ( a process by which a person can experience an event with their total focus), and reciprocal determinism (it is a concept which explains individuals, their environment and their behavior).

The prior knowledge can help in the better functioning of tasks but to convey or to make an impact on your work you need self-confidence. Self-efficacy, thus, helps to develop a deeper interest in activities, soring a strong sense of commitment, and recovering quickly from failures. People with low self-efficacy face problems in challenging tasks, estimating their capabilities and low self-confidence.

  1. Impelling good behavior 

good behaviour

According to Elbert Hubbard “Society is not destroyed by the activities of the rascals, but by the inactivity of good people”. There are some traits for building a positive personality:

  • Accepting responsibility

  • Show consideration

  • Be enthusiastic

  • Good listener

  • Acceptance of mistakes

  • Discuss rather argue

  • Practice loyalty

A positive approach towards situations is essential to self confidence. Practicing positive thoughts and actions makes an individual more confident and self- assured.

4.Body language and grooming 

self confidence

Body language can be defined as a language which is all about gestures and movements that are used to convey ideas or performing functions. The process of listening and understanding are the key components of the definition of communication and body language acts as the biggest support to communication for both of these processes. Acquiring the right body language leads to upliftment of self-confidence.

In a TED talks Amy Cuddy, an American social Psychologist said “the power poses, much of which involves open body position that takes up space, can send signals to the brain that you’re feeling confident, and in turn, the rain produces more testosterone and lowers your cortisol levels.” In account of this statement, he talks about the scientific benefits of our health by adjusting our posture which helps in confidence-building. To impress and to create an impact on others you should have got a confident aura that can be built by having good body language.

Grooming is an essential part of self-confidence which makes a person approachable. It plays a major role in maintaining high self-esteem as well as self-confidence. By influencing your appearance you can affect the way you regard yourself and there will be no sense of judgment from other people.

  1. Personal development as a skill-set 

Display rules are a society or culture informal norms about how to appropriately express your emotions. They portray your personality and convey what we have to express efficiently. The art of inspiring or the art of living with the skills that can help to make life easy going. There are some tips for maintaining good display rules :

  • Emotion control

  • The practice of showing positive and negative emotions, and

  • Explicit about your feelings

Education plays an important role in everyone’s life with including four necessary domains i.e,

  1. Question

  2. Information

  3. Assimilation

  4. Knowledge

The question leads to getting information about an erased topic that tends to get assimilated about a particular topic and then supposed to have knowledge on the questioned topic. Similarly, self-development or personal development is a skill set that needs to be sharpened or hone by educators, mentors, parents, and society. A good personality will only be recognized when they fully fit to the norms of personality development and career success. A person who is trying to get more knowledge is not enough to fit with good personality development skills. All these personality development skill sets together help in building a person’s morale, belief and confidence.

How to build your personality in the most effective manner?

Personality Development is a vast domain in itself. No one can become a great personality overnight. However, practicing some efficient tips and techniques can definitely groom you to become a better person. Understanding the need of good self confidence and personality development in the career trajectory  and personal life of individuals, DataTrained has come up its detailed course structure on Personality Development as ‘Brush Up Your Personality’. Become the terrific version of you through strategic personality development tricks. Brush up your personality, gain confidence, be unique and become incomparable. Learn from the experts, Akash Goel, the Founder & CEO of Get Success Today. With 50+ Speeches, 200+ Colleges, 30+ Companies, and 3300+ successfully placed students, Akash is regarded as an Electrifying Motivational Speaker & Problem-solving Training Professional in India.

personality development course

Everyone has a special trait that sets them apart from the rest.This course will help you knowing your hidden traits that differentiates your personality and aids you with some extraordinary personality development tricks to stand out from the crowd. Get the ways to make your personality vibrant and let your strengths blossom. Enroll today in this remarkable Personality Development course and gain confidence to become the leader of the future.

Checkout the course at: https://datatrained.com/mentor-giri


The importance of personality development gives an account of :

  • Credibility: As we can’t judge a book by its cover, we cannot judge a person by his/her outlook. Wittiness and a good appearance will lead to a good personality and contribute to the complete development of your personality.

  • Self-Confidence: The major part of personality development is contributed by the self confidence that an individual possesses.

  • Agreeableness: It measures the degree to which a person’s friendly or reversed, cooperative or guarded, trusting or cautious, or flexible or inflexible. Being too agreeable can lead to others taking advantage of yourself. That’s why personality development must be needed.

  • Interpersonal skills: Icebreaking will become easy with new people and it will provide self-reliability of no hesitation and correctness of ourselves.

Remember, self-confidence cannot be taught or learned but can be acquired by facing challenges in life.

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