Python Operators – All you Need to Know!

Python Operators
Rashid Khan Avatar


Python Operators are fundamental building blocks in any programming language, enabling developers to perform various operations on data.

In Python, a rich set of operators empowers programmers to manipulate values, control program flow, and perform mathematical calculations.

Types of Python Operators

Types of Python Operators

Here’s a list of different types of Python operators :

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Assignment Operators
  3. Comparison Operators
  4. Logical Operators
  5. Bitwise Operators
  6. Special Operators

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When using the operator and the value where the operation is performed using some terminology


An operation refers to a specific action or calculation performed on one or more operands using an operator. It defines the task to be executed by the operator.


In the expression `5 + 3`, the operation is addition. Here, the operation is to add the values of the operands `5` and `3`.


An operand is a value or variable on which an operation is performed by an operator. It represents the data that the operator manipulates.


In the expression `5 + 3`, `5` and `3` are operands. They are the values on which the addition operation is performed.


An operator is a symbol or keyword used to perform specific operations on operands. It defines the action to be performed on the operands.


In the expression `5 + 3`, the `+` symbol is the operator. It indicates the addition operation to be performed on the operands `5` and `3`.

In Summary:

Operation: specifies the task to be performed.

Operand: represents the data or values involved in the operation.

Operator: defines the action to be executed on the operands.

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators is a type of python operators which is used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.

The commonly used arithmetic operators in Python include:

“`python Code

# Addition

result_addition = 10 + 5  # result_addition = 15

# Subtraction

result_subtraction = 20 – 8  # result_subtraction = 12

# Multiplication

result_multiplication = 7 * 3  # result_multiplication = 21

# Division

result_division = 50 / 5  # result_division = 10.0

# Modulus

result_modulus = 17 % 3  # result_modulus = 2

# Exponentiation

result_exponentiation = 2 ** 4  # result_exponentiation = 16

# Floor Division

result_floor_division = 22 // 5  # result_floor_division = 4


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Comparison Operators

Comparison operators is a type of python operators which is used to compare the values of operands and return a Boolean result (True or False). These operators are crucial for making decisions and controlling the flow of programs.

Some of the comparison operators in Python are:


# Equal to

result_equal = (5 == 5)  # result_equal = True

# Not equal to

result_not_equal = (10 != 5)  # result_not_equal = True

# Greater than

result_greater_than = (20 > 15)  # result_greater_than = True

# Less than

result_less_than = (7 < 3)  # result_less_than = False

# Greater than or equal to

result_greater_than_equal = (10 >= 10)  # result_greater_than_equal = True

# Less than or equal to

result_less_than_equal = (3 <= 3)  # result_less_than_equal = True


Logical Operators

Logical Operators

Logical operators is a type of python operators which is used to combine conditional statements and evaluate the truthfulness of expressions. They are often used in conjunction with conditional statements like if, while, and for loops.

The three main logical operators in Python are:



result_and = (True and False)  # result_and = False

# OR

result_or = (True or False)  # result_or = True


result_not = not True  # result_not = False


Assignment Operators

Assignment operators is a type of python operators which is used to assign values to variables. They combine an arithmetic operation with the assignment operator (=) to perform the operation and assign the result to a variable.

Examples of assignment operators include:


# Assignment

x = 10

# Addition assignment

x += 5  # Equivalent to x = x + 5

# Subtraction assignment

x -= 3  # Equivalent to x = x – 3

# Multiplication assignment

x *= 2  # Equivalent to x = x * 2

# Division assignment

x /= 4  # Equivalent to x = x / 4


Bitwise Operators

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators is a type of python operators which is used to perform bit-level operations on binary representations of numbers. These operators are useful in low-level programming and manipulating binary data.

Some of the bitwise operators in Python include:



result_and = 10 & 7  # result_and = 2

# OR

result_or = 10 | 7  # result_or = 15


result_xor = 10 ^ 7  # result_xor = 13

# Left shift

result_left_shift = 10 << 2  # result_left_shift = 40

# Right shift

result_right_shift = 10 >> 2  # result_right_shift = 2


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Special Operators

Special operators is a type of python operators which are unique symbols or keywords that perform specific tasks beyond typical arithmetic or logical operations. These operators offer additional functionality to manipulate data structures, control flow, and perform various comparisons.

Here are some common special operators in Python:

Identity Operators (`is`, `is not`):

   – `is` operator checks if two operands refer to the same object.

   – `is not` operator checks if two operands do not refer to the same object.

Membership Operators (`in`, `not in`):

   – `in` operator checks if a value exists in a sequence (list, tuple, string, set, or dictionary).

   – `not in` operator checks if a value does not exist in a sequence.

Attribute Access Operator (`.`):

   – The dot (`.`) operator is used to access attributes and methods of objects in Python.

Slice Operator (`:`):

   – The slice operator (`:`) is used to extract a portion of a sequence (list, tuple, or string) by specifying start, stop, and step indices.

Ellipsis Operator (`…`):

   – The ellipsis operator (`…`) is used to represent an unspecified number of arguments in functions, slices, and other contexts.

Augmented Assignment Operators (`+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, etc.):

   – Augmented assignment operators combine arithmetic or bitwise operations with assignment.

   – Examples: `+=` adds the right operand to the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

Ternary Conditional Operator (`expr1 if condition else expr2`):

   – The ternary conditional operator is a concise way to express conditional statements.

   – If `condition` is `True`, `expr1` is evaluated; otherwise, `expr2` is evaluated.

These special operators enhance the expressiveness and flexibility of Python code, allowing developers to perform complex operations efficiently and concisely.


“`python code

# Identity operators

x = y = [1, 2, 3]

print(x is y)        # True

print(x is not y)    # False

# Membership operators

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

print(3 in my_list)      # True

print(6 not in my_list)  # True

# Slice operator

my_string = “Hello, World!”

print(my_string[1:5])   # Output: “ello”

# Ellipsis operator

my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

print(my_tuple[::2])    # Output: (1, 3, 5)

# Augmented assignment operators

x = 5

x += 3   # Equivalent to x = x + 3

print(x)  # Output: 8

# Ternary conditional operator

age = 20

status = “Adult” if age >= 18 else “Minor”

print(status)  # Output: “Adult”


These examples demonstrate the usage of various special operators in Python to perform different tasks efficiently.

Python operators are versatile tools that empower developers to perform a wide range of operations on data and control the flow of programs efficiently. By understanding and mastering Python operators, you can write cleaner, more concise code and tackle complex programming challenges with confidence.


Python operators are the backbone of Python programming, enabling developers to unleash their creativity and build innovative solutions to real-world problems. Embrace the power of Python operators, and let them guide you on your journey to becoming a proficient Python programmer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Python and its operators?

Python operators consist of special symbols, combinations of symbols, or keywords used to carry out computations. By combining objects and operators, you can create expressions that execute specific operations.

Essentially, pythons operators serve as the fundamental elements of expressions, enabling you to manipulate your data effectively.

The ‘in’ operator in Python operators is simple to utilize. Its function is to verify if a value is present in a sequence, like a list, tuple, or string. Upon evaluation, it yields a Boolean outcome: True if the value is found within the sequence, and False if it is not.

Python operators features three Boolean/logical operators, namely ‘and’, ‘or’, and ‘not’. These operators are utilized to assess whether specific conditions are satisfied, influencing the execution flow of programs. This tutorial focuses on the ‘and’ operator, demonstrating how it can be employed effectively in your code.

The equality operator, denoted by “==” in Python, compares two operands and returns “true” if they are equal. It’s important to note that this operator should not be mistaken for the assignment operator, represented by “=”, which assigns values to variables.

Similarly, the “is” operator serves a different purpose and should not be confused with the equality operator.

The 6 Python Operators are :

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Special operators

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