Python Variable and Data Types – All you Need to Know!

Python Variable and Data Types
Rashid Khan Avatar

Introduction to Python Variable and Data Types

Python Variable and Data Types classify or categorize data items, determining the types of operations that can be applied to them. In Python programming, where everything is treated as an object, data types correspond to classes, and python variable serve as instances (objects) of these classes.

Python variable serve as designated memory locations utilized for storing values within a Python program. When a variable is created, it sets aside space in the computer’s memory.

The Python interpreter then allocates memory and determines what type of data can be stored in this reserved space based on the variable’s data type. Consequently, by assigning various data types to Python variable, you can store integers, decimals, or characters within them.

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Python Variable

Python Variable

In Computer programming, a variable acts as a storage unit designed to hold data.

For example,


age = 25

print(age)  # Output: 25

age = 30

print(age)  # Output: 30


In this scenario, “age” acts as our variable, storing different values (25 and 30) at different times. Variables, like containers, hold data that can change over time, making them indispensable in programming.

Best Practices for Naming Python Variable

Best Practices for Naming Python Variable

Here are some guidelines to follow when naming your python variable:

  • Use Alphanumeric Characters and Underscores: Variables can consist of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), digits, and underscores. For instance, you can name a variable my_variable, temperature, or user_age.
  • Choose Meaningful Names: Select names that accurately describe the data or functionality they represent. 

For example, num_students is more descriptive than n, making your code easier to understand.

  • Follow Naming Conventions: Python offers several naming conventions, including:
    • snake_case: Words are separated by underscores, e.g., my_variable.
    • MACRO_CASE: All letters are uppercase, with words separated by underscores, often used for constants, e.g., MAX_VALUE.
    • camelCase: Words are concatenated without spaces, with each word’s initial letter capitalized except for the first, e.g., myVariable.
    • CapWords (or PascalCase): Similar to camelCase but with the first letter of each word capitalized, often used for class names, e.g., MyClass.
  • Be Consistent: Stick to a consistent naming style throughout your codebase. Consistency enhances readability and makes it easier for others to understand and maintain your code.
  • Avoid Reserved Keywords: Python has reserved keywords like if, True, class, etc., which have predefined meanings in the language. Avoid using these as variable names to prevent conflicts and confusion.
  • Be Case-Sensitive: Remember that Python is case-sensitive. Variables num and Num refer to different entities. Therefore, ensure consistency in letter casing when referring to variables within your code.

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Python Constants

Python Constants

Constants, on the other hand, remain steadfast, holding values that never waver. Let’s consider the mathematical constants pi (π) and gravity (g), assigning them immutable values:


PI = 3.14159


print(PI)  # Output: 3.14159

print(GRAVITY)  # Output: 9.8


Although Python doesn’t enforce immutability, naming constants in all capital letters signifies their unchanging nature—a convention widely followed in the Python community.


# Numeric Literals

quantity = 10

price = 29.99

complex_number = 5 + 2j

print(quantity)  # Output: 10

print(price)  # Output: 29.99

print(complex_number)  # Output: (5+2j)

# Boolean Literals

is_active = True

is_valid = False

print(is_active)  # Output: True

print(is_valid)  # Output: False

# String Literals

name = ‘Python’

message = “Hello, World!”

print(name)  # Output: Python

print(message)  # Output: Hello, World!

# Special Literal

null_value = None

print(null_value)  # Output: None


Each literal type—numeric, boolean, string, and special—serves a unique purpose, facilitating data representation and manipulation in Python programs.

Python Data Types

Python Data Types

In programming, data types specify the variable type of data which can be stored in.

Data Types




int, float, complex

holds numeric values



holds a sequence of characters


list, tuple, range

holds a collection of items



holds data in key-value pair form



holds either True or False


set, frozenset

hold a collection of unique items

Numeric Data Types

Python offers several numeric data types to handle numerical values:

int: Represents signed integers of unlimited length.

– float: Stores floating-point decimal numbers, accurate up to 15 decimal places.

– complex: Deals with complex numbers in the form of `a + bj`, where `a` is the real part and `b` is the imaginary part.



num1 = 5

num2 = 2.0

num3 = 1 + 2j


Sequence Data Types

Sequences are ordered collections of items, categorized into lists, tuples, and ranges:

–  list: Mutable collection of items enclosed in square brackets.

– tuple: Immutable sequence of items enclosed in parentheses.

– range: Represents an immutable sequence of numbers.



languages = [“Python”, “Java”, “C”]

product = (‘Laptop’, 999.99)

nums = range(1, 10)


String Data Type

Strings are sequences of characters enclosed in single or double quotes:



name = ‘Python’

message = “Hello, World!”


Set Data Type

Sets are unordered collections of unique items, represented by curly braces:



unique_numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}


Dictionary Data Type

Dictionaries are key-value pairs, where each key is associated with a value:



student_info = {‘name’: ‘Alice’, ‘age’: 25, ‘major’: ‘Computer Science’}


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Constants and Variables

In Python, variables are containers that hold data, while constants are unchangeable values. When naming variables and constants, adhere to these guidelines:

– Use alphanumeric characters and underscores.

– Choose names that make sense and follow a consistent naming convention (e.g., snake_case).

– Avoid using reserved keywords as variable names.



num_students = 50


snake_case_variable = “example”



Python variable serve as containers for storing data, while data types specify the nature of this data, including integers, floats, strings, and more. By adhering to naming conventions and choosing appropriate data types, developers can write clear and efficient code.

Constants ensure that specific values remain unchanged throughout the program, enhancing code readability and maintainability. Understanding variables, data types, and constants is crucial for building robust and effective Python applications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are variables in Python?

Python variable is a designated memory space where values are stored, providing data to the computer for processing within a program. Each value in Python is associated with a specific data type.

Python variable supports various data types such as numbers, lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries, and more. These data types enable users to organize and manipulate different kinds of information in their programs.

There are 4 Python variable: integers (int), floating-point numbers (float), strings (str), and Boolean values (bool).

A variable refers to any characteristic, number, or quantity that is measurable or countable. It can also be referred to as a data item.

Python encompasses various built-in data types, comprising numeric types like integers (int), floating-point numbers (float), and complex numbers (complex). Additionally, it includes string (str), boolean (bool), and collection types such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets.

Python does not possess a predetermined set of variables that are predefined. Instead, Python variables are dynamically generated and assigned values when they are utilized in a program.

You have the flexibility to create as many variables as necessary in your program, and their names can consist of any combination of letters, numbers, and underscores.

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