Python vs Java – Top 12 Amazing Differences

Mayank Sharma Avatar

Introduction to Python VS Java

Every second person wanted to become a doctor, lawyer, or economist a decade ago but today everyone wants to be a developer or programmer. Why? Because the need for skilled programmers is increasing rapidly and it’s also a well-paid job role.

Another benefit of being a programmer is that you’ll have the opportunity to work in teams and have positive job growth. In this blog, we will give you detailed information about python vs Java.

Most programmers and beginners have this doubt about how to make a decision that will have a long-term impact and will shape their careers in different ways. As a programmer, you should decide what type of work you want to do: web applications, embedded software (IoT, Robots, etc. ), stocks/financial, AI & ML, smartphone apps, or something else, and then you can choose the language you want to specialize based on your interest.

If we consider some popular programming languages like Java and Python, these are excellent general-purpose (GP) programming languages, but the popularity of java is decreasing with Kotlin, rising as a more modern alternative. C++ is also a general-purpose language and better suited to high-performance applications or programs that require more control over memory and CPU compiler output.

Java’s main function was the concept of “portability” to other systems, but with serverless and containerization, that is no longer required. But it is still Android’s primary language. These days Typescript/Javascript and Python are better alternatives.

According to the Tiobe Index, Java is preferred by 16.61 %, whereas Python is ranked 3rd with 9.874 %, based on performance, coding ability, and popularity. If we look at the global Google Trends for both languages, we can see that there is a very minor difference between Java and Python.

Here, in this blog, we will discuss Python vs java basics and will compare these languages based on different parameters. These two programming languages have taken the software industry by storm because both of these languages have the efficiency, variety, and automation capabilities to construct highly scalable solutions to real-world problems. Python is an excellent choice for novices since it is more intuitive and has a syntax that is fairly comparable to English. Its open-source nature allows for a host of new tools to be developed to improve it. Java, on the other hand, is a general-purpose programming language that was created with the intention of allowing developers to write code once and have it run anywhere. The nature and expense of the development project will ultimately determine which language is chosen.

Also Read: What are Identifiers in Python?

Both languages have their own set of benefits and drawbacks, so let’s take a deep dive into the worlds of Python vs java to learn more and evaluate both languages to remove the initial sense of confusion:

Python vs Java

What is Python?


Guido van Rossum developed Python, a general-purpose, dynamic programming language. 

Python programming is popular for its flexibility and has several useful libraries for developing web applications, data analysis, machine learning solutions, and cloud computing software. It has many unique benefits because of its scope, high demand, and growing popularity. It can be used to write scripts and used in scientific computing due to libraries like NumPy and SciPy. Frameworks such as Django, Pyramid, and others help in the development and maintenance of various applications. TensorFlow and other libraries help in creating machine learning projects. Google uses it as one of its official languages. To know about the future growth of python click here.


  • Python is a simple language to type. It has a simple syntax and takes a basic understanding of the OOPS concept. In Python programming, it doesn’t require defining the type of the variables since it’s type dynamically.

  • Interpreter and resource libraries are both freely available on the internet. 

  • Python becomes a fantastic choice for those who do not want to spend a lot of money on development. It lowers the cost of software maintenance.

  • Its built-in data structure makes it a great alternativ
    e for Rapid Application Development due to its dynamic type and binding,

  • It also offers a lot of interesting real-world applications.

What is Java?

JavaJava is a high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems which is later owned by Oracle. It was made to generate programs for set-top boxes and mobile devices but quickly gained popularity as a platform for developing web applications.

It is similar to C++ but entirely focused on programming. It was created to be a write-once, run-anywhere language with no dependencies or bugs. It was invented because the preceding language, C++, was a little complicated for client-server applications. Java has become one of the main languages for client-server applications. The latest version of java is 11 and 12.


  • Java programming is a collection of classes, or at least one class, in which one of the classes must include a main method for the program to start. So you write one or more classes as a programmer.

  • Java can work with a comparable object and can compare itself to another object
  • Java is used widely due to its platform-independent nature.

  • Exception handling and the Type checking mechanism are present in Java.

  • Java has taken away many difficult and frequently used features such as explicit pointers and operator overloading.

  • In Java, memory allocation is placed at runtime that’s why the java program can be compiled without the main function.

  • Java has multiple types of inheritance in Java, which makes it a more developer-friendly language.

Skills Required To Become Java Developer

What exactly does a Java programmer do? They create a wide range of software, including desktop and web applications, cloud systems, and mobile apps. Along with Python, Java’s capabilities extend to Big Data applications.

Consider the following Java technologies if you wish to excel as a Java developer:

  • Principles of object-oriented programming (OOP), as Java is an OOP language.
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB are relational databases. Writing MySQL queries will also be useful.
  • Git and BitBucket are two popular version control systems.
  • Using IntelliJ IDEA as an integrated development environment (IDE).
  • HTML, CSS, and JQuery are examples of web frontend technologies.

Skills Required To Become Python Developer

  • Python web frameworks and event-driven programming are required.
  • Basic knowledge of front-end technologies is required.
  • Exceptional attention to detail.
  • Excellent problem-solving and communication abilities.
  • Working knowledge of code versioning tools.
  • Background in security or a basic 101 understanding.
  • Understanding server-side templating languages is essential.
  • Debugging and unit testing skills.
  • HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 are examples of front-end technology.

Parameters for comparison

We have a better understanding of Python vs Java basics and their features. Now, one of the most heated discussions these days is which one is the greater programming language. We can compare these two languages based on different parameters: 

  1. Code Readability and Formatting in Python vs Java      

  2. Popularity in Python vs Java

  3. Syntax in Python vs Java

  4. Performance in Python vs Java

  5. Machine Learning in Python vs Java

  6. White Spaces in Python vs Java

  7. Game Development Engines in Python vs Java

  8. Beginners pick in Python vs Java

  9. Experience pick in Python vs Java

  10. Language Development and Users in Python vs Java 

  11. Jobs in Python vs Java

  12. Salary in Python vs Java

  • Code Readability and Formatting

Code Readability

The code must be written in a readable format that can be easily understood by another programmer. 

Java code is quite stable and you won’t receive any unexpected run-time errors, due to strict type correctness. Many errors can be detected during the compilation process in Java. Python has a lot of problems with type correctness. You can expect some run-time errors unless you code very carefully.

But due to very strict syntax rules in java, you need to type all the variables, and if there are any errors in the code, the program won’t run. Whereas Python is a dynamic language that does not require typing the variables. These are entered during the execution of the program. Python is an easy language and code readability is almost similar to English. 

  • Popularity


Among both Python vs Java. Java has been a robust programming language since its beginning, but it appears to be decreasing in popularity as new technologies and programming languages become more accessible. Python is one such programming language that is gradually overtaking Java in popularity but after the arrival of JavaScript, the fight for the best spot in Python vs java is almost similar. According to the survey, Python is crowned as the most popular language in terms of growth and popularity whereas Java remains a popular choice among web developers.

  • Syntax


Among Python vs java. Python programming is more powerful than Java in terms of syntax and readability. Java is extremely lengthy compared to Python. In Java programming, reading from a file requires ten lines of code, whereas Python requires only two. This point is given to Python because beginners prefer to write less code. The syntax of Java and Python Hello world programs is shown below.

Hello world program in Java

public class main {

public static void main(string[ ] args)

{ System.out. println(“Hello world”); }


Hello world program in Python

print “Hello world”;

You can see the difference in both programs’ code complexity: 4 lines of code in Java, and 1 line of code in Python.

Also Read : What is Synchronize in Java?

  • Performance

Among both Python vs Java. Programming languages aren’t the ones that define their performance. Numerous factors can affect performance including the method and the third-party libraries used in the program. However, when comparing the performance of Java with Python, Java is the better option. Python is an interpreter language and also determines the data type at runtime which makes it slow.

Although both Java and Python can be compiled to bytecode, Java prefers to do it during runtime and then distribute the bytecode. This casing speeds things up a little faster. Programmers can experiment with different short programs to see which one is the fastest.

  • Machine Learning

Machine Learning

When it comes to python vs java. People from different industries found python to be a good fit because of its easy syntax and a lot of libraries and frameworks dedicated to ML projects and AI developments. They can easily experiment with ML and apply it to their respective field.

Java is also considered being a good fit for the industry in ML because of its easy debugging and maintenance features. It’s employed for large-scale operations and enterprise-level systems. 

  • White Spaces

White Spaces Python

When we are talking about python vs java. Whitespaces are trivial in Java programming whereas essential in Python. It’s a major part of Python syntax. Spaces are used for structuring, while a full colon is used to start both conditional blocks and loops in python. Python takes advantage of whitespace in code formatting, which makes programming a little easier. Python snippets are usually smaller when compared to Java snippets and are a suitable alternative for extended programs because of this scenario.

Java uses parentheses, semicolons, and curly braces instead of whitespace. 

  • Game Development Engines

Game Development

Java and Python both are reliable but when it comes to game development, neither Python nor Java are as good as C#/C++. Game development necessitates the highest possible performance, which both languages can’t provide. Java or Python isn’t particularly slow, but they can’t compete with the experience that C# has provided so far. However, it would be a mistake to reject Python completely as a game development language. It’s a popular choice among programmers for a wide range of applications, and it’s also become a popular scripting language among game creators.

  • Beginners Choice


Beginners used to start with learning Java first and then move on to other languages, but this is gradually changing as Python attracts more and more beginners. Due to its great demand in the marketplace Python has recently become a beginner’s favorite due to its simple syntax and dynamic typing. When we compare Python vs java for beginners, Python is the clear winner. Once beginners have mastered Python programming, they can move on to learn Java and other languages. Python has many applications in a variety of fields and many developers prefer Python over Java when is comes to choosing between them.

  • Experienced Choice

Experienced Choice

In this topic of python vs java. If we look at things from a broader perspective both have their unique set of abilities due to differences in code style, compilation, environment, and usage. If you want to speak from the perspective of a developer, you should first learn Python and then catch up on Java. Because Python is a dynamically typed language while Java is statically typed, you must determine whether you want to work with runtime environment functionality or post-compilation runtime environment functionality. With the rising demand in cybersecurity, python is also a great choice if you want to invest yourself in that domain. Click here to know more.

  • Language Development and Users

Language development and users

If all you want is to create small websites quickly, Python is appropriate but there are many more opportunities if you want to pursue Java as a career.

Java is good for constructing fairly large applications with strong business logic using a spring framework and Python is good for all tools, scheduled jobs, and exposing simple REST APIs with Flask.

  • Jobs


According to SlashData, there are 8.2 million Python developers and 7.6 million Java developers in the world. The number of Python developers rapidly increases with each passing day. As a consequence of the high demand in the marketplace, work opportunities will grow in the future decade for both Java and Python developers. According to a report in 2018 by a popular agency stack over, it claimed that python is the fastest growing language.

The $150 billion IT services outsourcing business in India is responding to the rapid changes brought on by automation and the increased adoption of digital technologies. The People’s Popularity of Programming Languages index, rates programming languages by popularity. Python, JavaScript, R, and Swift are gaining popularity in India, according to a study based on tutorial searches, albeit Java and PHP still have the most searches.

  1. Java- Some of the world’s major companies use software developed in Java or highly depend on it. Java is growing rapidly as a language for data science and machine learning, and Data Science and ML are two of today’s most popular fields. 

  2. Python – There has been a growth in demand for Python developers over the previous few years. A trend that will continue in 2021 and stick around into 2022 and beyond.

You’ll get to work with the world’s most well-known firms like TCS, Amazon, Accenture, Cognizant, and many others as a Python developer. Your career will progress as you earn more experience. A Java Programmer has numerous opportunities, and their technical knowledge is quite valued. Best of all, you don’t need a college diploma to become an expert in Java programming. You can become a Java Programmer with a bright future if you get the correct training and enhance your skills. 

  • Salary 

Salary Python and Java

Salary is determined by the types of projects, location, and experience. Both are well-known
for making you wealthy, you can master both for greater career options, such as in data science. In Data Science you can earn approx, Rs. 610,811 for a Java developer and Rs. 698,413 for a Python developer in India. Python is way ahead of Java in terms of salary comparisons. Salaries are also determined the number of diiferent factors such as the location of the company, company type, etc.

Although java novices earn less than python beginners, the pattern is shifting, and python developers are gaining ground. Python developers are paid more than Java developers because they are paid less. Python developers’ work is also more technically demanding, which is why they are paid more.

  1. Java – The income of a java developer is much higher than other job roles because it is in high demand by many major firms and employers.

  2. Python – A software developer with Python expertise might expect to earn roughly Rs.580,000 per year. If you have the necessary expertise and extra skills, this sum can easily exceed Rs. 1,000,000 per year.

However, depending on your job and skills, if someone is paying you this money, you must provide them with adequate service.

  • Jobs

In terms of jobs and salaries, there is no significant distinction between Java and Python. While Java’s job demand has been stable in recent years, Python’s has increased tremendously. You earn a decent raise in compensation if you have decent proficiency in any of the languages. Java has been around for a long time, and java programmers have a stronghold over the industry, particularly in the workplace.

However, when it comes to AI and machine learning, companies prefer Python developers over Java ones. So, if AI and machine learning become more popular in the future, we should expect many more Python jobs.


Both of these languages have a huge following and a lot of support. The bugs are almost instantly corrected, and the languages are updated regularly. Java has already established itself as one of the top programming languages in the world, while Python continues to improve with each passing day. Although between python vs java, Java outperforms Python in terms of performance, you must use Python entirely when compiling code for huge projects with thousands of lines of code. It’s impossible to ascertain which is the best. Ultimately, it is determined by the nature of software a developer wishes to develop. You can use the parameters listed above to determine which language you want to pursue as a career.

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9 responses to “Python vs Java – Top 12 Amazing Differences”

  1. […] are various programming tools like Python, R, Java, SQL, Scala, […]

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  6. […] science in banking and its equipment such as SAS, Python (learn differences between Python and Java here), and R are usually used to hold out the examination on the economic wellness of the […]

  7. […] Java is a most famous general-purpose, object-oriented programming language based on classes that are designed to have fewer implementation requirements. It is a computer platform for the development of applications. As a result, Java is quick, secure, and dependable. It’s commonly used in laptops, data centers, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, cell phones, and other places to construct Java applications.  Java and Python are some of the most famous programming languages. You can read the comparison between Java and Python. […]

  8. […] Python has a wide range of applications because of its ease of learning, use, and writing, as well as the clarity with which it is read. Python statistics 2020 stated that there are 8.2 million Python developers worldwide. Java is used by 7.6 million developers. In September of this year, there were 7 million Python developers compared to 7.1 million Java developers. Budding developers always have a confusion to choose which language they should learn first, so here you can read about the comparison between Java and Python. […]

  9. […] Also Read : Differences between Python and Java  […]


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